As Pakistan comes to an end, Imran Khan is ready to become Prime Minister


"Powers who think everything is in their hands, I mean that there is nothing in your hands," Maulana Fazal told Rehman, the head of a small but powerful religious party. He said the election officials had been "taken hostage" by soldiers assigned to the poling stations.

Some analysts said that Mr. Rehman was simply a loser because his party played badly, and even Mr. Rehman, the leader of the party, lost his race. In any case, Mr. Rehman has threatened to stage demonstrations in the street, which his party has done in the past in large numbers, causing great disruption.

A representative of the Pakistan People's Party, led by the third Bhutto political dynasty with 43 seats, said on Friday that he had not yet decided to accept the official results.

On Election Night, the Electoral Commission had finished counting all but three of the contested National Assembly races. The complete results can be found here

. Khan's rivals accused those responsible of rigging the vote in favor of Mr. Khan, and said that the slow tabulation of the ballots, which took more than two days, was suspect. Election officials apologized, saying that the delay was caused by a merger in their computer systems that prevented the transmission of results on election night.

Most Pakistanis took over and accepted Mr. Khan as the winner. On Friday in Lahore, one of Pakistan 's largest cities, few people sitting in cafes or shopping in stores paid much attention to the new policies broadcast on TVs all around. them. Despite vague threats from losing parties, no major protests have erupted so far.

Khan remains popular, especially among young people in Pakistani cities, who seem energized by his victory. He is known as a strident anti-corruption fighter, and in a speech to the nation that he made on Thursday, he focused on populist policies to help Pakistan's many poor.

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