Assad, aided by Russia, poised to snuff out 'cradle' of revolt


By Tom Perry and Suleiman Al-Khalidi

BEIRUT / AMMAN (Reuters) – President Bashar al-Assad is poised to snuff out the Syrian rebellion in the place it first began there years ago, as rebels enter talks

Government forces backed up by Deraa city in the United States of America in the United States of America.

Assad, whose control was once reduced to a fraction of Syria, now holds the largest chunk of the country with crucial help from his Russian and Iranian allies.

Deraa was the scene of the first anti-Assad protests that spiraled into a dead million people. The conflict has driven over 11 million people from their homes, with some 5.6 million Syrian refugees in neighboring states alone and many more in Europe.

Rebels in Deraa are due to hold talks with Russian officers on Tuesday, a spokesman for the rebels Abu Shaimaa, said. The talks were due to take place in the town of Busra al-Sham.

Some are seeking evacuation to opposition-held areas of the north while others are negotiating to remain in local security force, he said.

" Today there is a session with the Russians over the forced displacement, "he said in a text message, referring to the expected evacuation of a yet-to-determined number of rebels to opposition areas of the northwest to the border with Turkey. [19659009] A pro-Syrian government newspaper, al-Watan, said "the coming hours will be decisive on the level of the end of the chapter of terrorism in Deraa city."

As Assad pushes for outright military victory, there seems little hope of

The United States of America and the United States of America (19659012) "EXTREMELY SCARED"

] Government forces began thrus ting into Deraa province last month. Heavily outgunned rebels surrendered quickly in some places as the United States, which oozes force against the backdrop of the crisis.

Deraa rebels agreed to a wider ceasefire . Syrian and Russian forces then took control of the hand with Jordan, which has been in rebel hands since 2015.

On Monday, government forces extended their control along the way Deraa province's border with Jordan up to a pocket of territory held by Islamic State-affiliated activists, severing a vital vital opposition lifeline to Jordan

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the war, said army helicopters dropped leaflets on the rebel-held town of al-Haara saying "there is No place for militants. "

The government offensive is expected to turn back to the rebel-held areas of Quneitra province, at the border with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

civilians in the war, uprooting more than 320,000 people.

Rachel Sider, Syria advocacy and information adviser with the Norwegian Refugee Council, published in the United States of America. are subject to the agreement "because the expectation is that it is a ceasefire that is holding, that will be the most stable and safe place."

"But we also know that they are still very much scared. (19659021) Tens of thousands of people who are trying to make a decision about their families' safety and their future. displaced persons are still thought to be sheltering in the Shihab area of ​​Deraa province, and many more at the frontier with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

(The story is correct in Deraa city b eing held in Busra al-Sham, not Deraa city itself.)

(Writing by Tom Perry, Editing by William Maclean)

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