Asseco gives KSI ZUS service to Comarch, but wins offers for its modification


  Tenders for amendments to the Social Security Institution settled

Call for tenders for the change of KSI ZUS settled

Asseco Poland, which assumes the responsibility of maintaining the Social Security Institution, will take over the development of the system . He will earn more than 350 million PLN. One of the contracts was informed by the Social Insurance Institution, by the second company.

In the official statement, the Social Insurance Institution informed about the signing of a contract to modify the complete computer system to be processed by Asseco Poland. The contract amounts to 24.5 million PLN. However, this is only one of the contracts. About signing the second, worth a dozen more times. the company itself informed. His subject is also the changes in KSI.

The results of the two calls for offers won by Asseco are so surprising that the company loses all control over the maintenance of the Social Insurance Institution of the Institution of social security at Comarch. This did not prevent him from entrusting him with the task of developing and modifying the system.

The contract, which the company boasted of the modification and development of KSI, is worth nearly 350 million gross PLN. It will be implemented for 4 years. The contract described in the ZUS communication must last 12 months. In its framework, for 24.5 million PLN, Asseco will adapt the Social Security Institution to the new provisions shortening the storage period for employee files from 50 to 10 years.

– We are well prepared to implement even the most demanding projects. An example is the introduction of electronic contributions, or the modification of KSI ZUS, resulting from the decline in the age of retirement. In recent years, we have proved that we can count on us and that we take full responsibility for the tasks – said the Director of Social Insurance Asseco Poland, Arkadiusz Wójcik after the signing of contracts


Comprehensive computer system, or KSI ZUS the most important system of the Social Insurance Institution. It is responsible for the good service of 25 million customers and accounts for 30%. financial resources of the state. The design contract was signed in … 1997. Since then, Prokom, later Asseco Poland, has been responsible for the service. At the beginning of the year, the contract is passed to Comarch – a competitor of the old server market. For ZUS it is a revolutionary change. Comarch will be responsible for maintaining the system for the next four years, but only after the transition period. That's what happens.

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