Attention to these companies. The KNF included them on the list of public warnings


Fig. Bartosz KRUPA

The Polish Financial Supervisory Authority has informed that two new entities have been added to the list of public warnings on Wednesday, 4 July. The purpose of public warnings is to alert the company of other companies about the need to be more careful about these entities.

The following items were on the list of warnings: Philson Spółdzielnia Inwestycyjna with headquarters in Szczecin and HossaFX (operating on ] The basis for inclusion on the list of Philson Spółdzielnia Inwestycyjna is the notification of the suspicion of committing a crime under the art. 287 of the law on investment funds (investment activity without license)

HossaFX may have violated the art. 178 in conjunction with the art. 69 para. 2 points 2 and 5 of the Financial Instruments Transactions Act (unlicensed brokerage activities)

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The list of KNF warnings that KNF reports on the suspicion of committing a crime. The purpose of the public warning list is to draw the attention of the public and businesses on the need to be more careful when it's over. acts of these entities.

A complete list is available on the Commission's website.

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