Avengers – Soul World does not really exist? New information


Discussions about the Avengers film: War Without Borders is always on the agenda and fans are thinking about individual elements of production every day. Even the scene with Thanos is analyzed, which calls for the younger incorporation of his adopted daughter, Gamora. The fans assume that this is done inside the stone of soul.

This is indicated by the color of the environment, as orange is in keeping with the appearance of the stone. In an interview with IGN, Kelly Loren, responsible for the artistic layer of the film, revealed what changes had been made to the world created by the stone of soul.

We have completed at least seventeen different projects. This is one of the times when you have enough projects, but you go too far and you only come back to the top two. But that was good, it helped to find the right project. It's Kevin Feige who gave the idea to try with the orange color.

Kelly Port is asked if fans get the Infinity Stones pattern. He thinks they're on the right track.

When Power Stone was used, it was purple, when Space Stone was used, it was blue, so the orange color also had its connection.

But is there a chance that Thanos is arguing with his Gamora in the world created by Soul Stone (called Soul World)? The port has doubts, but he notes that only Kevin Feige knows the meaning of all the scenes.

The trailer IMAX of the movie Avengers: Endgame has also been integrated into the network. This means that the scenes are in higher resolution and reveal a little more than in the standard version. You can see it below:

See also the new Red Skull concept map, re-appeared in the movie Avengers: War without Borders.

The first of the Avengers: Endgame already in April of next year.

Source: comicbook.com/us main photo: Marvel

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