Aviva OFE has less than 5%. Getin Holding shares


Adam Torchała

Another fund is not owned by Leszek Czarnecki's companies. This time it's Aviva OFE, which has dropped below the 5% threshold. in Getin Holding.

Aviva Aviva Open Pension Fund Santander has reduced its stake in Getin Holding's shareholders and currently holds 1.13%. company titles – Getin Holding has been the subject of a press release. Before the sale (transactions concluded on November 21), the fund had 5.65%. shares of the company.

Aviva OFE has less than 5%. Getin Holding shares

It should be noted that this is the last minority shareholder to have exceeded the threshold of 5% in the list of three banks listed on the stock exchange of Leszek Czarnecki (Getin Holding, Getin Noble, Idea Bank). This threshold is important because, above, the shareholder must send a communication informing the shareholding structure and inform him of significant changes in participation. However, in the three companies mentioned above, only Leszek Czarnecki and the entities controlled by him exceed this threshold.

And it has not always been like that. Looking only at the recent past in the Getin Holding itself, in addition to the Aviva mentioned, the threshold of 5%. until recently, it also exceeded the National-Nederlanden BW. However, the fund announced the sale of shares below the threshold in September. Pension funds with variable capital are still present in another company, Leszek Czarnecki – Open Finance. There is a threshold of 5%. exceed both Avivia and MetLife.

It should be added that the involvement of other large entities in Czarnecki societies is difficult to assess. Companies that have less than 5% do not have to report changes in their involvement. As a result, they could sell and buy stocks. Newspapers from Czarnecki's only companies in 2018 constituted a huge discount on the stock market. Getin Holding since the beginning of the year is 89%. On the downside, like Idea Bank, Getin Noble lost 78%.



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