"Bark barked freedom". They remind him of the political interview


The bark is dead. The artist died at the age of 67, surrounded by relatives, in his home in Roztocze. She has been fighting cancer for a long time. Korê reminding parents, friends, fans

Bark "hated authoritarianism, violence, clericalism"

.Now, Manuela Gretkowska today reminded of the implication of Kora. Professor Magdalena on Facebook wrote: "She hated authoritarianism, violence, hated clericalism, hated stupidity and greyness, all that is happening today in Poland."

– Kora belonged to this philosophy of people fighting for democracy. Bark is not just a singer. (…) Kamil said something very significant: "democracy is dead, Kora is dead" – said the radio TOK FM on the teacher. | Roda. According to TOK FM, the teacher was one of the people who accompanied Korz in the last moments before death.

Quoted by Sipowicz, the words are now called on social networks. A controversy was sparked by journalist Renata Grochal, who also referred to them.

– President Andrzej Dudo, Kora protested the destruction of democracy and free trials. It would be a real tribute if the Lord vetoed the SN law. Unfortunately, you could not afford it. Please, rethink the words of Kamil Sipowicz: democracy is dead, and Bark is dead, "Grochal wrote, and while he was on Twitter, there have been many offensive comments by who thought that fasting was a corrupt memory of the late Kory and exploited his death in a political context.

Grochal attempted to explain: The hypocrisy in public life, Kora said in Newsweek: " The power is breaking my country. The party concludes the state. It's destroying my happiness at the end of my life. "PAD, unfortunately, contributes to that".

The interview also reminded Manuela Gretkowska.

Bark: Power crushes my country

What exactly said Kora in an interview for Newsweek from 2017? – The power crushes my country. The party concludes the state. It's destroying my happiness at the end of my life. Everything I thought about and what I was working for – said Kora in Newsweek in February 2017. She then appeared on the cover of the magazine, under the photo she saw the words: "My rebellion, PiS destroys my happiness at the end of my life. "

Also criticized the OP. – Cowards, opportunists, prosperity and cabotage. The one he forgot, the other did not see, the third preferred the hot tap water, so that he did not get sick sometimes. They were cool, ours, but inertial to the pain. (…) The PO government was the least sensitive government of all in free Poland. (…) She did not have the power to govern

Andrzej Duda remembers Korę

It is worth remembering that when he spread a message about Kora's death, he also mentioned Andrzej Duda. "The departure of Olga Jackowska (Kory) for many people of my generation, including me, marks the symbolic end of an era, and we grew up in Maanam," wrote the president.

Donald Tusk wrote, "Bora, you've been home almost every day for forty years and I want to tell you that your concert will never end for us."

Muniek Staszczyk recalls Korê: in all respects fantastic. It was hard not to be under his impression

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