Beware of fake text messages on loans!



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"Your order for a loan of 20,000 zlotys has been accepted, the money will be paid within 60 minutes" – beware of such SMS! It is a scam intended to obtain the account identification information and to steal money.

(illustrated illustrations)

(illustrated illustrations) / © 123RF / Picsel

The information on Ghost loans allegedly sent by Trusted Profile is an attempt to authenticate the SMS. In the rest of the message, we are informed that we can click on the link below and cancel the loan. This is a trap that leads to the extortion of login data on our bank accounts.

As a result, we risk losing money as criminals attempt to access accounts and transfer confirmation messages sent to customers of bank customers.

To not be deceived enough … ignore the message. If we get it, do not panic, we have not taken out any loans and we must not do anything except erase the dangerous message.

Paweł Balinowski

Source of information: RMF

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