Bill 2.0 passed with amendments by the Senate. He returns to the Sejm


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  Bill 2.0 passed with amendments by the Senate. Back to Sejm

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  • Photo: PAP / Tomasz Gzell

    Video: tvn24
    Students Oppose Reforms (material "Poland and the World" of June 5) [1965-9054] The Senate adopted with four amendments the Law on Higher Education and Science (Law 2.0 ) and without amendments introducing it. This means that the 2.0 law, which must introduce major changes in the functioning of universities, is the Sejm.

    57 Senators voted in favor of Bill 2.0 with four amendments, 20 were against and 2 abstained. On the other hand, 56 senators voted in favor of the adoption of the law without amendment of the law, against 24

    Four amendments

    Tuesday, before …
    One of the amendments to the Senate Support Act 2.0 assumes that the Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences can be included in the university at the request of the president of the university. Polish Academy of Sciences or the director of the Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It also introduces the obligation to consult the faculty of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The amendment was submitted by Senator Barbara Zdrojewska (PO). In the initial bill on higher education and science, the Minister of Science could, by regulation, establish the Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences after consulting the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, prof. Jerzy Duszyński. During a conversation with the PAP in June, he said that such a case threatened the independence of PAN and the loss of its autonomy.

    Another amendment adopted by the Senate eliminates the requirement for individual inter-branch studies at two levels and at several levels. a judge of the Constitutional Court, a Supreme Court or an Administrative Court and a retired judge for a lifetime employment in a university regardless of the result of an employee's contribution

    Senators also voted in favor of a change in requirements for doctoral candidates. Under the current provisions, it was necessary to have a certified knowledge of a foreign language at the language proficiency level of at least C1. According to the amendment – the "at least B2." Level should be sufficient

    The law will now return to the Sejm, and the introductory provisions will go to the signature of the President

    Right of Debate

    Before the vote on the introductory provisions of Law 2.0 for the Law. adoption of several amendments by Senator Jan Żaryn (PiS). The main objective was to equalize the minimum wage of researchers employed in SAP institutes with the remuneration of university professors in universities

    – Non-compliance with these amendments may be considered as a basis for returning this law to the Constitutional Court. In the end, however, the Senate passed this bill without amendments.

    The Constitution 2.0, also known as the Constitution for Science, replaces the existing four: the Law on Higher Education, the Law on the Principles of Financing Science, the Law on diplomas and academic title and law on loans and student loans. The law is to come into force on October 1, 2018. [1965-9060] The law offers the university many options (including the possibility of conducting university studies and university graduation) among the academic categories that higher education will attain in its disciplines. In addition, after the reforms, the right to study and to award university degrees will be entrusted to higher education institutions rather than to their organizational units. A new division of disciplines is planned – modeled on the division proposed by the OECD

    According to the law, the public higher education body, besides the rector and the senate, will also be a new organ – the university council chosen by the community of a given university. The rector will gain, at the expense of collegiate bodies, for example faculty councils, a greater opportunity to shape university politics.

    The law also triggered discussions in the ruling camp – also the amendments of PiS during the works on the laws

    In June, demonstrations were held against various provisions of Bill 2.0 in various places in Poland. Professional strikes or protest actions have been organized, among others at the Warsaw University, Jagiellonian University, Gdańsk University, Wrocław University or at the University of l & # 39; AGH. Opposition to the law was also expressed by some circles of the University of Lodz, Opole, Rzeszów or Białystok, as well as by NSZZ Solidarność in several universities. These were protests organized by the Academic Protest Committee.

    The autonomous governments of the students of these universities and the authorities of the institutions separated from the protests. The law was supported by legal institutions representing the university community: the Parliament of Students of the Republic of Poland, the National Representation of PhD Students, the Conference of Rectors of Public Vocational Schools (KRePSZ). Support for the law has also been supported by the network of small and medium-sized academic institutions with 25 institutions of higher education.

    Author: ads mtom
    Source: PAP

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