"Black List" Judges Krystyna Pawłowicz. It reveals what it contained


Krystyna Pawłowicz reveals behind the scenes at the last meeting of the National Register of Courts. It was then that specific questions were asked about the reform of the judicial system, Małgorzata Gersdorf and the trips to Brussels.

  Pawłowicz on the last meeting of the National Register of Courts

Pawłowicz on the last meeting of the National Register of Courts (PPA)


Krystyna Pawłowicz is a member of the National Council of the Judiciary. His last meeting was controversial, as reported by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. Candidates for judges were asked about the reform of the judicial system and travel to Brussels. When the Council began a debate on Judge Marta Kożuchowska-Warywoda, Pawłowicz protested, justifying him to "broadcast in Poland" and participating in the chain of light around the Supreme Court. – I'm just running a drinking water policy – she says.

Now Krystyna Pawłowicz has decided to speak on this subject. According to her, the reports on the conduct of the Wednesday meeting of the National Register of Courts are "manipulated messages insinuating any abuse". – The journalist of the newspaper ("DGP") took several different procedures and threw everything in a bag, combining them with the case of the judges of the Supreme Court, tainted people in their heads – says Pawłowicz in a conversation with the portal wPolityce.pl

She explained that the procedures for selecting candidates for the judges in the courts are standard procedures that take place in teams of three people, who evaluate the candidates. – The questions, which not only me, but other members of the team we asked and who in a distorted manner described "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna", concerned the process of appointment of the judge of the WSA – stated the politician.


"Women are afraid"


What were the questions for the candidates? Krystyna Pawłowicz stated that "knowledge of the documents themselves about a person's date of birth, the year when she finished her studies and her previous work, as well as the number of judgments or the number d & # 39; call. "

she also admitted that she asked about prof. Małgorzata Gersdorf. – The question concerned the interpretation of the law and not the political convictions of the candidate. The answers were evasive. It was obvious that the ladies are scared, or maybe they are intimidated. All were involved, two of them said it was a question about their personal opinions and refused to answer – Pawłowicz spoke with wPolityce.pl

"Blacklist" Pawłowicz


Asked about the candidacy of Judge Marta Kożuchowska-Warywody and "blacklist" Pawłowicz said that "when determining the candidates on the list, the team is mainly guided by the assessment of qualifications candidates, their professional experience, the application of law, scientific achievements, the opinion of superiors. "

– Ms. Kożuchowska -Warywoda ran for the provincial administrative court, but she was known by the media as an active participant in the marches CODE – Krystyna Pawłowicz explained. The list contained an article from the portal wPolityce.pl, which contained a copy of the invitation and a list of 26 judges supposed to "complain about the Polish authorities and reform the judicial system".

– I found it necessary to inform the members of the KRS and I gave them copies of this article. And it's my "blacklist", which the judges have signed for themselves – said Pawłowicz.

At the same time, she emphasized that the political involvement of Judge Kożuchowska-Warywody was not a prerequisite. – If the judge goes to Brussels to complain about the current authority and does not accept legally approved acts, it is my duty to raise these circumstances when appointing judges to various courts – Pawłowicz explains in wPolityce.pl


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