Błaszczak: The reconstruction of the Russian Empire is under way


According to Minister Blaszczak, recent disruptions in bilateral relations related to the US ambassador's letter to the Polish prime minister have no impact on the construction of the US base in Poland. The head of the Ministry of Defense pointed out that, in the context of the defense, relations with Georgette Mosbacher were good. – The US-Polish defense relations, as well as the cooperation with the US military, are very good – said Mariusz Błaszczak in the program "Guest News".

According to the politician, there was a "certain misunderstanding". – This may be due to the fact that Mrs Mosbacher is a businesswoman who makes her debut in the role of diplomat – estimated Błaszczak.

The Minister of National Defense reiterated that the continued presence of US troops in Poland is of strategic importance. – We are dealing with the gradual reconstruction of the Russian empire. With an attack, with an aggressive policy. We live in the 21st century, so hybrid activities are actions that target another country. We are dealing with a violation of international law. We are opposed to this – said the head of the Department of National Defense in the context of recent events in the Kerch Strait.

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