Blockchain in a microrelect of New York energy


23.07.2018r. 05:31

Brooklyn, New York, has launched a pioneering energy pioneering microswitch using blockchain technology. Konrad Purchała of PSE draws attention to its development in the energy sector and its possible consequences – we read in "Puls Biznesu".
"When the sun shines sharply, Martha, a resident of Brooklyn, is unable to use all the electricity produced by the 18 photovoltaic cells that she installed on her roof in 2010." surplus goes to the network, that's why in 2016, Martha and her neighbors, who also invested in photovoltaics, began making the first deals with those who do not have any "- as quoted by "Puls Biznesu", Siemens describes the operation of the network which, with the LO3 Energy start-up created in Brooklyn, LO3 Energy has created a blockchain platform for the recording of transactions between neighbors.There are several similar networks elsewhere in the world

– The Brooklyn microball is not an experiment, it's just a business project that is supposed to bring in money.For a national operator, the Siecitaki project is not perceptible for the moment – apr But technology will continue to grow and the number of transactions will increase – Konrad Purchała, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation at PSE, quoted by "Puls Biznesu"

According to Purchal, many things will change when the number of transactions reaches million, which is possible with the expected development of photovoltaics. He believes that regulators should already be prepared for such a situation.

– You need to determine the rules of the market today, before start-ups reach billions of dollars. Because then any change of rules will lead to enormous financial consequences – said Konrad Purchała, quoted by "Puls Biznesu".

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