Boat. "Whore Vote" – Bartosz Domaszewicz, self-employed, launches a joke


Photo: TVN24, Instagram

Video: TVN24 Łódź
Counselor: it was a joke

Lodz's advisers celebrated Wednesday the centenary of Poland's electoral rights. The vice-chair of the board posted on the Web his photo of the meeting he had signed: "vote bitchez" (vote for whores). The counselor says it's "joke and self-irony". However, there are also those who talk about scandal.

On Wednesday, Lodz's advisers dealt, among other things, with the century to give Polish politicians. On this occasion, the resolution was adopted unanimously, giving the Great Hall the name of Wool Łód.

Bartosz Domaszewicz, vice-president of the Municipal Council of the Civic Platform, sat behind the presidential table. In the afternoon, he uploaded a photo on the Internet, where he performs a gesture similar to that of hip-hop artists. The picture is signed "vote bitchez".

The juxtaposition of what the counselor has inserted when the photo is published may give rise to different feelings.

Author of the entry: a joke

Bartosz Domaszewicz ensures that the entry will not offend anyone. He also assures that the text makes no reference to the fact that the City Council session was on the theme of the anniversary of the women's election campaign.

– During this session, we also discussed other things. This was the first reading of the budget, talks about new tariffs for waste disposal. Linking a happy entry to a private social network account is like redrawing. I did not make any reference to the meeting – he says.

He says it was "self-irony" and "a joke of himself".

– The joke was directed only towards me. In the photo, you can see me behind a big and beautiful table. And I've always tried to distance myself. And it's been like this for years – he says.

It states that "vote bitchez" is a reference to the lyrics of rappers and hip-hop artists.

– I was raised on this music. Everyone who knows me knows that it was self-immolation, he said.


Opposition: it's a scandal

Video: TVN24 Łódź Opposition: it's a scandal

Opposition: scandal

Marta Grzeszczyk is a spokesperson for the Law and Justice Club of Lodz Council. He says that Advisor Domaszewicz's entry is evidence of a "severe lack of culture".

– The vice president of the municipal council must know what and how he communicates. And Bartosz Domaszewicz, on the occasion of the meetings during which we discussed the electoral rights of women, calls them very offensive. Question, who did he mean? Councillors? Or maybe women sitting on the board? Or maybe it was about Polish women who have the right to vote? – calculates.

Regardless of the advisor's position and translations, this entry was "extremely misplaced".

– To say that this reference to hip hop culture is absurd. I would like to remind the advisor that he is not a rapper but a local government official. And that's why it should show a certain level below which you can not go down – said Grzeszczyk.

Feminist: three options

– I would like to limit my comment to the publication of the head of your local government that his hands fall. But it would be a blind eye to the behavior we face – says feminist Anna Dryjańska.

He says that the entry can be interpreted in three different ways.

– The first is that he found it funny to talk about winning the right to vote women. If, in this context, someone uses the word "sluts", it means that we are dealing with a desperate case – says Dryjańska.

He adds that he can not imagine what the women who were in the meeting room had to feel.

The second scenario – according to the interviewer – is that the city councilor threw the picture without thinking. And he did not associate in what context he did it.

– In such a situation, he should just apologize and be more tactful in the future – says Dryjańska.

The third scenario is this – as the city councilor says – "self-irony".

– It seems to me that it's unlikely that he's calling "whore" and even plural. Whatever the case may be, it would not be a good sign of who is holding positions in the local Lodz government – concludes the interviewee,

Satirist: jokes not for everyone

Andrzej Poniedzielski has been an artist associated with cabaret for many years. He emphasizes that "the joke is different from singing – not everyone should do it".

– I dedicate my creed from life to a governor of Łód f: a fool should not frolic – he says.

He notes that he does not want to personally insult Bartosz Domaszewicz.

– Sometimes a person has a worse day, then gets dangerously close to a stupid person. Then, do not be foolish either – it ends.

Author: bż
Source: TVN24 Łódź

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