Bono in Katowice. The environment minister does not want to meet him


theThe climate summit in Katowice is fast approaching. Not only politicians, but also the stars involved in the protection of the environment, including the leader of U2 Bono, will come to him. Environment Minister Henryk Kowalczyk, however, was not willing to meet a musician.

Environment Minister Henryk Kowalczyk spoke on FMR FM about the KNF scandal, Kacper Kaminski scandal or the conflict between Poland and the European Commission. However, the topic of the 24th COP24 Climate Summit, which will start in Katowice on 3 December, was not far behind. Kowalczyk's words may, however, give rise to at least slight consternation. And all because of Bono.

At the question of journalist Marcin Zaborski, if the minister has already recorded a meeting with the leader U2 in the calendar, he replied in the negative. When the radiator explored the subject, Kowalczyk blurted out: "I really do not go out with celebrities, I meet Environment Ministers who will be really numerous and we will talk about the protection of the climate.

The minister also did not answer the question about a possible meeting with the actor Leonardo DiCaprio, who will also visit Katowice. He and Bono are both active activists and occupy almost the same time as politics or climate issues, as well as their professional work.

Ignorance therefore calls them "celebrities" with whom "you do not speak". However, the Bono affair is of fundamental importance in politics. Recall that in October, the musician met Donald Tusk in Brussels, photographed with the poster "Constitution", as also mentioned in an interview with RMF FM Zaborski.

Meeting Bono can be very uncomfortable for Kowalczyk.

source: RMF FM

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