Bonus RPK – sentenced to prison! RAPER DECISION


  Bonus RPK - sentenced to prison! RAPER DECLARATION

Author: photo / CiemnaStrefa

The RPK bonus, Oliwier R., was sentenced to five and a half years in prison. He must also make half a million zlotys that he was supposed to earn in the illegal trade. How do you explain rapper?

Bonus RPK – court rendered judgment concerning the popular rapper. Oliwier R., Friday, July 20, 2018, was sentenced to five and a half years in prison and must pay half a million zlotys, which he had to earn illegally. The rapper was arrested for the first time in 2015. Then he was sent to prison for eight months

RPK bonus – judgment

As reported by, the trial that ended the July 20, 2018 before the Warsaw-Wola court is one of Marek Cz's activities. . ps. Rympałek. A total of 12 people sat in front of the court, including the RPK bonus. The indictment, as admitted by the court, was based on the testimony of other people. The verdict is not legally binding

The bonus RPK – who is it?

The RPK bonus, actually Oliwier R., was born on July 15, 1989 in Warsaw. Active on the music market since 2004. He collaborated with rappers such as: Dawidior, Nizioł or Rufuz. He has released five albums, including branches of Fate, a blacksmith, which he released in 2016 after his release from prison. The publishing house in Poland is covered with gold. The most popular RPK Bonus song is the Ven song Welcome to the capital

RPK bonus – rapper statement

Friday's RPK bonus commented on the verdict of Instagram. He also issued a statement on Facebook, in which he does not agree with the court's decision. From the beginning of the case, he claimed that any testimony against him was false.

We warn you that the Bonus RPK statement is strong 18+

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