Booksy has received more than 49 million PLN for development. Sebastian Kulczyk is one of the investors


  The application Booksy, used to make appointments in service establishments, received a monetary injection

Request Booksy, used to make an appointment in service establishments, received a cash injection

Booksy, a Polish application used to order visits to service establishments, such as a hairdresser, beautician or masseur, received 49.3 million investors zł. Investors include British funds Piton Capital and Sebastian Kulczyk

The Polish startup Booksy was founded by Stefan Batory and Konrad Howard, the creators of, among others iTaxi, application to order taxis. The product was introduced to the US market for the first time in 2017. However, according to the website, it has quickly become, according to the owners, the world leader in the demand for visits.

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thanks to which we can organize a specific day with a given plant without appeal. The service points provide their calendars on the website, whereby the customer can easily book a satisfactory date.

Entrepreneurs were allowed to create their own profiles and to use tools to acquire potential customers. The offer includes hairdressers, barbers, beauticians, masseuses, physiotherapists, personal trainers, dieticians and dentists.

According to, Booksy received $ 13.2 million as part of the completed funding round. million PLN. He was assisted by Sebastian Kulczyk, the British fund Piton Capital, OpenOcean and Zach Coelius.

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– We are number one, with the leading position among others in the United States, Great Britain, Brazil or South Africa, but only the first kilometer is behind us. We will strive to strengthen our position in the markets in which we operate. We want to be not only the most popular mobile application for making appointments at the hairdresser or beautician, but the basic channel used for this purpose – says Stefan Batory in an interview at the portal

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What will be the money for? The boss explains that he wants to invest in the platform of artificial intelligence mechanisms and machine learning. – We will use artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop our own technology by analyzing user behavior and determining their habits. Thanks to this, the Booksy application will offer them the best appointments for their preferred providers and will allow you to book a visit with just one click – explains Batory in an interview at the portal

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