Booksy takes over Polish global startup buys competitor after receiving 50 million PLN


<img class = "lazyload" data-src = "" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODdhAQABAPAAAMPDwwAAACwAAAAAAQABAAACAkQBADs =" width = "620" height = "280" alt = "Booksy, the Polish application for organizing visits to various beauty salons, has already conquered the United States and the United Kingdom.Other foreign markets.Now the start-up strengthens its position in Poland, taking over its biggest competitor –

A hairdresser or a beautician does not have to part from work to pick up the phone, open a calendar and enter a new customer This, in turn, can be visited even in the middle of the night, checking the notes issued by regulars from different localities.

This is the most streamlined aspect of the l & # 39; Booksy application, which has more than a million downloads on Google.This is not the first or only service of this kind in Poland, May Among the apps for smartphones, it's the number one.

Video: PFR invests in Startup. Already, he spends more than 640 million PLN

Since 2013, operates in Poland, a pioneer in the market of arranging visits of hairdressers and associated service providers. Although it also works through a mobile application, it is a leader among websites running on ordinary computers.

Now, the two companies merge, and in practice, the older competitor takes the youngest, but more dynamic. As learned, Booksy will be joined by the entire Lavito team, including its founders, Marcin Niewitecki and Przemysław Jurek

The parties do not disclose the amount of the transaction. It should be remembered however that just two weeks ago, Booksy announced the acquisition of nearly 50 million PLN financing. Earlier in the startup, Sebastian Kulczyk decided to invest, among others. A few years ago, the company also benefited from an EU funding of 1.3 million PLN under the Innovative Economy Program

L & # Does the absorption of by Booksy mean that this mark will be extinguished? – There is no final decision whether we will maintain the two marks, or in time focus only on Booksy – Łukasz Szymak, the head of Booksy on the Polish market, admits in an interview to . – This combination gives us the greatest added value – he points out

– We have the most popular and the best mobile app for managing business in terms of applied solutions. Our partners can customize the application to their needs without having to change their source code – he says. – On the other hand, we have a pioneer on the Polish market, with the largest reach and the largest number of page views, with regard to the website – he explains

. Łukasz Szymak

Read also: He could be known in the world because he revolutionized the sex trade. But he did not want such a fame. He is betting on hairdressers and beauticians

The acquisition of is the first transaction of this type in the history of several years of Booksy, which is up to present developed without swallowing smaller competitors. Is this the beginning of his new policy?

– We do not hide the fact that this transaction is of strategic importance for us with regard to the Polish market, but also from the point of view of world trade – admits Szymak. – Its effects will allow us to assess whether we should continue to grow only organically or by taking over competitors – explains

. The representative of Booksy points out that the Polish market is very advanced in terms of the services that the company offers to its partners. – Therefore, when we want to implement a new solution or a new service, Poland is the first market on which we test them – he says. – The same goes for the transaction of taking charge of another site – he explains

– We wish to give the partners beauty and health, hairdressers, beauticians or physiotherapists, the possibility use the best overall solution in constant evolution. We also want to give them access to as many customers as possible, who can organize their own appointments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. "Although the Booksy platform can be used to organize visits to all types of premises the company is limited only to beauty and fitness related industries. "- When companies from other sectors contact us, we accept them with open arms, but in terms of promotion, we want to be perceived as a business of beauty and health – he explains

business strategy company Booksy is a mobile application that automates the process of organizing visits to beauty salons but these companies must first be encouraged to cooperate, very often this is done in an "anological" way, through direct contact with Booksy representatives. lige to focus on specific industries.

– Market sites need economies of scale to succeed. To obtain it, they must provide the partners with additional functions that facilitate the management of a business – says Marcin Niewitecki, co-founder of – The Booksy app provides the best salon management tools. By joining Booksy, we can provide our partners with a world-class solution – he says.

What is the scale of the operations of the two sites in Poland? Every month since the websites and mobile applications, Booksy and use a total of more than 400,000. Unique users from Poland who make more than 600,000 the booking. About 2.5 million point-of-service visits are made monthly via Booksa

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