Boris Johnson and "Brexit Minister" resign, leaving Theresa May's government in disarray


Prime Minister Theresa May fought Monday to prevent her government from imploding after the resignations of Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, an important figure in the campaign for Britain to leave the United States. European Union. "Minister of Brexit" in charge of negotiating the break-up of the country.

Surprise departures have exposed May to protest by restive conservative party members outraged by what they view as the Prime Minister's plan for a "mild Brexit" that keeps Britain tied to numerous EU rules and regulations after he leaves the block next year.

The hard-line Brexit supporters – who want May to seek a clear and decisive break from Brussels – were in open revolt over his recently revealed proposals. They denounced the latest roadmap as a timid capitulation: "Brexit in name only" which ignores the 52% of voters who opted in June 2016 to leave the European bloc.

May replaced Davis Monday morning with 44-year-old Dominic Raab, one of the leading pro-Brexit activists within the EU

The May Brexit project is an open question.

The appointment of Raab is unlikely to solve the problem. May still faces threats from his uncompromising Brexiters, who openly debate a vote of no-confidence that could wield power.

The European reaction was eased on Monday morning

"Politicians come and go, but the problems they created for their people remain," said Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, on Monday at the exit of Davis. resignation. He said that the same feeling was spreading to Johnson too.

The pound sterling remained stable and markets did not fall. In the meantime, President Trump is expected to arrive on Thursday for a visit that will be followed closely for any comment on Brexit and US relations with the European Union.

In his resignation letter Sunday, Davis told May that his tactics and proposals "seem less and less likely" that Britain would leave the single European market and customs unions – two promises that May has made.

Davis warned that his approach would only lead to new demands from Brussels and would give Europe control of large parts of the British economy.

Davis stated that he had to resign because he was secretary of Brexit.

Brexit critics found such admirable admissions and evidence of chaos and lack of leadership – two years after the referendum and eight months before Britain left the union. Nigel Farage, personality of the radio show and European parliamentarian, said: "For the Brexit to succeed, we must get rid of this terrible and duplicable Prime Minister."

In another sign of general confusion, Steve M. Baker, who resigned as the David Davis MP in the Brexit Department, said Monday he was "taken aback" by May's new proposals.

Davis said of May's approach: "It seems to me that we"

The outgoing minister hinted that May's promise that Britain and its parliament would "regain control" of Brussels was hollow. "This is painted as the return of power to the House of Commons," said Davis. "In practice, he does not do it."

For two years, Chief Negotiator Davis has been Brexit's white-haired, red-cheeked face, but the talks in Brussels were notoriously slow, mainly because May's government could not – and still can not – agree on the relations that the Britain has dealings with Europe on trade, immigration, law, tariffs and security, revealed that David Davis had participated only at four hours of negotiations. in Brussels in 2018, without meeting the chief negotiator of the EU, Michel Barnier

David Lammy, a prominent member of the opposition Labor Party, described Davis as "the man who can not take responsibility. He has been responsible for Brexit for two years. No one in the world is as responsible for this monumental mess as himself.

The Premier's plan for a Brexit was advanced in May at a crisp cabinet meeting of his campaign, called Checkers, on Friday.

At this meeting, May had seemed to be winning his cabinet and getting approval for his plan, which was to be published as early as this week in a long white paper that would expose the British vision of future relations with the US. Europe.

While the May European exit plan was not fully disclosed to all members of its party – not to mention parliament, business circles or the public – the brief overview shows that she is in favor of a Brussels compromise, keeping Britain closely aligned with Europe on standards, "a book of common rules for industrial products and farm. "

This, his busy critic, would hinder Great Britain and make it "a policy maker"

May was to address all Conservative parliamentarians at a meeting on Monday.

Reaction came Monday.Some Brexit supporters encouraged Davis.

"Fantastic news," tweeted Andrea Jenkyns, a conservative MP, "Bravo David Davis for having the main and courage to resign. I take off my hat. We must make sure that this changes the situation for #Brexit .

Remarkably, Jenkyns openly called for the ouster of May and Boris Johnson to take over.

Opposition lawmakers said it was a big blow for Prime Minister.

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Opposition Labor Party, tweeted that the resignation "at such a crucial time" showed that May "has no authority and no is unable to deliver Brexit. "

" With Her Government in Chaos If she hangs on, it is clear that she is more interested in hanging out by herself than serving the people of our country, "said Corbyn

Michael Birnbaum in Brussels

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