Boris Johnson of Great Britain believes that it is not too late to save the Brexit


LONDON – Former British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on Wednesday urged his fellow lawmakers not to abandon Brexit, urging them to remember the fact that they are not going to be killed. initial enthusiasm of the European Union. In remarks to the House of Commons, Johnson criticized Prime Minister Theresa May's plans to leave the EU, describing it as a clean start "by name only." The British should be "big independent actors" on the world stage. "He said."

"It's not too late to save Brexit," Johnson said. "We have time in these negotiations, we have changed tactics once and we can change again."

May's government released a white paper last week with long-awaited proposals for US relations. England with the EU. The paper proposes to keep Britain and the EU in a free market for goods, with a more distant relationship for services.

The plan exasperated fervent Brexit supporters who believe that staying close to the bloc would limit Britain's ability to enter into new trade deals. around the world. Johnson and Brexit's secretary, David Davis, both resigned from the government and May fought to quell rebellions in his own ranks.

Lawmakers confronted May during her weekly question and answer session in the House of Commons. As May's support weakened, members of his own party, including Davis, felt emboldened to ask critical questions about his course of action

Brexit supporter Andrea Jenkyns launched the first salvo closer to those who want to stay in the EU only those who want to leave.

"Can the Prime Minister inform the House when it was decided that Brexit means Stay?" Jenkyns asked. "In no case because Brexit continues to mean Brexit," May replied.

Even Davis jumped into the moody exchanges, asking May to release the legal draft of a free trade agreement. Former Davis MP Steve Baker intervened to request emergency plans for a departure without agreement

The session offered a mirror to a deeply divided party and a government that was trying to stay in power. The boisterous scenes also come a few hours before May meets conservative lawmakers in what is seen as a last chance to muster her strength before a six-week summer recess.

Although Johnson has not claimed the ouster of May, his remarks before the pre This session, at the very least, will remind supporters of the initial vision of the referendum. Johnson suggested that it was a vision that May herself had shared before "the fog of self-doubt descended."

Johnson told legislators that the government had "stalled" failed to advocate for a Free Trade Agreement 2017 speech at Lancaster House in the heady months after the past referendum. "This is not the plan agreed by the government in May when the country retreats to Checkers," he said.

"Still want to explicitly target this glorious vision of Lancaster House – an independent, strong and independent Britain open to the world, not to the miserable permanent limbo of the Ladies," he said. "Not the Democratic Disaster ongoing harmonization with no way out and no voice for the UK. We must make a decision now before everyone else and that is to believe in this country and what it can do. "

Johnson insisted that there was still time to adapt and that the country had to do it because a lot was at stake. 19659021]" We have to try now because we are n & # 39; We will not have another chance to do it right, "he said.

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