Brewers lack beer for long periods of heat


An unusually long period of hot weather has topped the list of brewers – said Niklas Other, editor of the industry magazine "Inside". In the case of missing cases "in the industry (brewing) there is a dramatic situation" – he said, adding that some breweries are currently not even able to deliver certain types of beer.

The spokesperson of the German Brewery Association (DBB) Marc-Oliver Huhnholz warned that during the summer months can stop downtime.

For this reason, the industry is calling on customers for the fastest return of boxes. On Facebook, the Moritz Fiege Brewery in Bochum asks that they do not expect to come back from their holidays with transport boxes to leave, but to do so before they leave. "First expression, then free" – the password of the internet call.

The problem is exacerbated by the fact that brewers sell their beers in different bottles, which requires boxes adapted to them, which prevents the exchange of boxes between producers.

According to the calculations of the Veltins brewery, in total about 500 million reusable cases are in circulation in Germany, of which about 180 million belong to the brewing industry. Individual mineral producers complained of problems with missing boxes.


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