Brexit campaign cheated for victory


The official campaign that campaigned for the British to leave the European Union broke the law, according to the country's election watchdog, which has now referred the issue to the police.

Theresa May's government is on the brink of collapse While the pro and anti-EU factions of her party are waging war, the election commission announcement that the campaign group led by Boris Johnson cheated on tensions over Brexit, some lawmakers calling for new election

The group known as Vote Leave was chosen as the official campaign group for the June 2016 referendum. She has injected money into a sister campaign to circumvent spending limits, which means that she has exceeded £ 7 million ($ 9.2 million) and 500,000 pounds sterling ($ 660,000). Darren Grimes, the founder of sister campaign group BeLeave, was fined £ 20,000 ($ 26,000). Grimes and Official Vote Leave David Halsall have both been reported to the police.

The Electoral Commission investigation revealed that BeLeave spent more than £ 675,000 with the controversial data society Aggregate IQ in a joint plan with Vote Leave-Expenses that should have

The IQ aggregated, who received about 2.7 million pounds of leave credits during the campaign, has since been suspended from Facebook for links reported with the late Cambridge Analytica. 19659002] The Electoral Commission also criticized the voting leave for failing to cooperate with his investigation, Director Bob Posner stating: "Vote Leave has withstood our investigation from the beginning, including challenging our right as a party. Regulatory body to open the investigation. "He refused to cooperate, refused our requests to present a representative for interview, and forced us to use our legal powers to com omb to provide evidence. Nevertheless, the evidence we have found is clear and substantial, and can now be seen in our report. "

Vote Leave reacted angrily to the findings, saying that the investigation was" politically motivated "and based on" unfounded claims and conspiracy theories. " "The spokesman said:" The report of the Electoral Commission contains a number of false accusations and incorrect statements that are totally inaccurate and are not valid.

With Britain just nine months out of the EU, pro-European lawmakers reacted furiously to the findings – some opposition MPs stating that it is justified to organize a second referendum. Leave won the 2016 vote with only 51.9% of the vote at 48.1% of Remain.

Labor MP David Lammy said, "This news makes the outcome of the referendum more dismal than ever, its validity is now in question, and we have a duty to ask: do we want to continue with a policy that will ruin our economy? and consume the government for the next decade, based on this fragile outcome? "

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Labor MP Barry Sheerman said, "The criminal misbehavior of the Leave campaign is now clear to everyone that they cheated in the referendum and we must re-examine Referendum seamlessly!

Chuka Umunna, Labor Party member, said, "We know the pass has been lying on a gargantuan scale – we now know that they also cheated and it's official. Go for it.

As the referendum was not legally binding, the Supreme Court ruled that this referendum was only advisory – a rehearsal can not be ordered by a court. Any decision to hold a new referendum should be made by the government and backed by parliament, and there is no indication that this will happen.

Despite the findings, allegations of Russian involvement and campaign leaders admitting some of their claims were misleading – Britain still seems ready to experience its greatest political upheaval since the Second World War.

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