British media push anti-Trump narration with "How to protest visits" cover


The mainstream media has inappropriately covered the way the British can protest against the visit of the democratically elected president of the United States, Britain's closest ally, next week

. , told his readers, "Get ready, UK", when sharing the article "Trump Baby Giant" could fly over London for president's visit "on Facebook

Free Suburbs Metro a commentary on Leo Murray, the so-called "activist" and creator of the grotesque 20-foot cartoon balloon of President Donald J. Trump, which London Mayor Sadiq Khan allowed to fly in the capital during visit

.] Metro, Thursday, July 5

Murray called the democratically elected president a "tyrant" and a "despot", writing, "If this generation is to fight Fascism again, we can also have a little laughter We do it.

The hysterical ecologist added:

This point is essential. The day Donald Trump won the US presidential election, I found myself gripped by a deep sense of dread. It was a feeling that I had not felt since I tackled the looming threat of catastrophic climate change, the problem I'm working on every day.

Murray now plans to follow Trump around the world bouncy, "reach [ing] local activist groups around the world who want to help".

The Mirror who replaced his usual red mast, displays a rainbow to show his support for the Gay Pride, headlined an article on Thursday: "How to protest Donald Trump's visit to the UK?" Donald Trump is coming to the UK and people are angry, "proclaims the leftist newspaper, which helped found the HOPE Hate group far and wide. Hate and was involved in a false news scandal after posting fabricated pictures of British soldiers mistreating Iraqi prisoners in 2004.

"Here is a list of the biggest protests, with Facebook links and ways to get around. "involve", invites the newspaper to trace a list of protests from the arrival of President Trump on Thursday night, ending with a "Carnival of Resistance" the following Saturday.

Former newspaper The Independent – which closed its edition printed after a long decline in reading orat – continued in the same vein as The Mirror with the usual suspects of leftist agitators, the TUC [Trades Union Congess] Stop the War, Friends of the Earth and Momentum "- a loyalist faction of the Labor Party from the far left l to Jeremy Corbyn – leading the demonstrations

The Independent, like other left-wing media, savored the fact Writing on the "Trump Baby Blimp"

The former sister publication of the Independent, on the i, Thursday, July 5, 2018

London Free Journal on [1965] 9025] Evening Standard edited by former Chancellor o George Osborne, the Exchequer and architect of the anti-Brexit campaign "Project Fear", published an article on "All what you need to know about the anti-trump rally in London with 50,000 spectators ".

It included an itinerary of details about coaches put on "to transport people to protest from all over the country, including Manchester, Birmingham, Cardiff and Plymouth"

And the Guardian left liberal left with his cover of news about the Trump balloon and protests, published an article of opinion telling readers: "Here's why you should join us on the Trump demonstration in London July 13th. "

Shaista Aziz and Asad Rehman newspaper:

… It is imperative that we use Trump's visit to the United Kingdom on July 13 to show strong resistance to the odious policies of his administration. Not only that; We must use it to build a powerful advocacy movement against racism and the rights of migrants in the UK, who will not hesitate to name the fascists for what they are and do not will not bleach the politics of hate, racism and misogyny. If we leave things until they are even worse, it will be too late.

Ben Harris-Quinney President of the Conservative Bow Group criticizes the press for his unilateral representation of the British people to American visitors, declaring to Breitbart London: What we see is classic from big current fake news media, puts the focus on the views of the London elite, the ear to the views of ordinary people. "The majority of people in this country support Britain's close relations with the United States"

The focus group leader added, "The metropolitan establishment does not want any of this, and will therefore make tremendous efforts to both spark and cover a vocal minority market of organized and funded liberals complaining of their recent defeats.

"Nations welcome other leaders all the time, in the mature recognition of the value of diplomacy and dialogue. In fact, Britain very regularly hosts other nations whose leaders have a very unfavorable human rights record in the United States without protesting, "he observed

. welcome to Britain, and I am sure that his awareness of the unrepresentativeness of these protests will ensure that protesters will stay up all day in the heat for nothing. "

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