Brudzinski at the FMR: Glapiński lost this debate in the field of communication


"This problem was already lost at the beginning, it has lost in the dimension of communication," Interior and Administration Minister Joachim Brudzinski said of the controversy surrounding the National Bank of Poland. "Adam Glapiński has lost this debate in the field of communication, it could have been done more quickly, more precisely," said RMF FM.

"It would be extremely naive to recognize that we are now totally protected against surveillance attempts of various types," said Joachim Brudziński in FMR FM. "We are an important country of NATO, an important country of the European Union, and we must take into account that we will be subject to various actions or actions aimed at our security," he said. he declares.

The head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration was also questioned about the controversy surrounding the income of the National Bank of Poland. "This problem was lost in the beginning, he lost in the communication dimension," he said. "Adam Glapiński lost this debate in the field of communication, it could have been done more quickly, more precisely," he explained.

Brudzinski also informed RMF FM of Sunday's finale of the Grand Orchester de la Charité de Noël.

"The primary role of subordinate officers in the Ministry of the Interior and Administration is to provide security." There are sometimes abusive allegations that I or other politicians have banned officers from participating in the Grand Orchestra of Christmas charity, "said the head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration.

"I wish all the participants (…), and especially the volunteers, a good security case I wish you a good entertainment, because the entertainment is a pleasure, the role of the agents is to ensure the safety I assure you that every year you can count – all WOP participants – for the professional help and kindness of Polish policemen, firefighters and other services "- he added.

Krzysztof Ziemiec, RMF FM: Minister, 9 out of 10 escape rooms you checked did not meet the security requirements. Question – what now? What should parents do today, which children would like to go to, or even have an invitation to an official birthday party, let them go or not?

Joachim Brudzinski, Head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration: Editor-in-chief, after Friday's tragedy last Friday, you certainly can not conclude that this responsibility, which should accompany adults, both those who decide to conduct this type of activity, should not release parents, guardians, educators. teachers should be approached with great caution. I would not want to cause unnecessary panic or useless demons in this tragedy, or limit children who are already starting vacation in several provinces, opportunities to play safely, fun. Still, I would like to appeal and ask parents, educators and teachers to be in the context of what we already know today, because that's what the publisher really says – 504 points of sale this type were verified yesterday and more than 1 800 types of deficiencies were found. In the case of 69 of these places, upon decision of the state fire department, these places were immediately closed. More than 40 tickets were imposed. It shows the extent of the irregularities.

What's next, Minister? These breakaways now have 30 days for so-called evacuation tests. If they do not meet them, they will be closed forever?

– Mr. Editor, again – I do not want to deal with this problem only with the problem of the evacuation rooms. It's a kind of niche of entertainment and profit activities. He appeared in our country in 2014 as extremely popular, in some cases – it must be said honestly and honestly – extremely creative, interesting and challenging. Again, I do not want to throw all the contractors in the same bag, or call them irresponsible, or do a battle or a crusade, because then a completely legitimate charge could be laid against me, the politicians, who are trying to Use tragedies to cover or cover the tragedy consequences such excessive detonations or irrational struggle with contractors. The responsibility is needed here. The most efficient state, the most efficient fire department, the Polish police and the Construction Supervision Inspectorate are not enough to ensure safety. After all, we will not train a firefighter with every contractor, we will not work 24 hours a day. Today can be controlled, the dramatic consequences can be tomorrow. I'll be back – responsibility and caution.

Now, Minister, I am questioning about the safety of each of us, because it is very dangerous – it seems – yesterday that information about the arrest of a Pole and a Chinese suspected of espionage on behalf of China have been broadcast. One of them was a former officer of the ABW, who later became General Bondaryk's advisor. He praised the fact that in 2016, at the time of Prime Minister Beata Szydło, she was working for the Prime Minister's Chancellery and that he was a cyber security consultant. What was he doing then, what was his role?

– Editor, this official, former officer of the Internal Security Agency, possessed the appropriate certificates. These certificates were given to him. I do not want to play ping pong or change my responsibility, but you also have to honestly say that these certificates have allowed him to make all kinds of secrets. In fact, he had impressive knowledge and skills in the field of cybersecurity. But all these required documents, allowing the most secret documents, were issued by their predecessors.

Yes, but he knew the so-called government communication. This is a very secretive, important, important knowledge.

– What is the most important? It was to the services of the Internal Security Agency under the Coordinator of Special Services, Minister Mariusz Kamiński, that the officers were now under the authority of Minister Piotr Pogonowski, head of the Internal Security Agency, who arrested this man. The state can work here. The Lord started this case by saying that it was a very dangerous situation. Mr. publisher, we live in a concrete world. It would be extremely naive to recognize that today we are fully protected from surveillance attempts of various kinds, from the conduct of various interviews. We are an important state of NATO, an important state of the European Union and, therefore, we must take into account that we will be subject to various actions or actions aimed at our security. In this case, one can only say: the Internal Security Agency worked perfectly, the officer who comes from his ranks was arrested. We can only say that the state has acted brilliantly here, the services have acted brilliantly. The consequences of his activities and his partner – in this case, a Chinese citizen – will be decided by the court.

And should the government, Minister, exclude the Huawei company from the Polish market, represented by one of the detainees? Quoted by FMR FM yesterday, a government plenipotentiary for cybersecurity, advisor, suggested such a possibility.

– More and more, these arguments are down. They are not only here in Poland, but also in other countries. We would like to remind you of this scandal even if the representative of this Chinese society in Canada stops. Huawei also has many objections from its partners in NATO. It seems to me that it would be very wise in this case if there is a common position of the Member States of the European Union and NATO. We want to have good, intense and attractive relations with China on both sides. China is a huge market, a huge country.

That's another question, Minister. Can you, your colleagues, use such phones in government? Are this company's phones in government?

– Editor-in-chief, I can not be responsible for all my colleagues in the government. I do not use such devices. I am attached to, I do not want to advertise here for a specific brand. Sometimes I see astonishment in the eyes of my interlocutors and partners, how they see what archaic cell I am taking out of my pocket, but what can I do? It's my habit.

Minister Jarosław Kaczyński examines all the turbulence around the NBP. Is he angry? He spoke with the president of Glapiński?

– Jaroslaw Kaczynski is a politician who examines public service primarily through the prism of service and not business. Nobody, like Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński, has asked politicians, parliamentarians and ministers that politics is not about doing business to earn a fortune, but to go to the service. So, obviously, I'm convinced that he's watching what's happening at NBP. The problem is that this problem was lost early. Lost in this dimension of communication. I accept the many arguments made at the press conference of President Adam Glapiński. What has attracted me most is this extremely unpleasant argument and the sexist attacks against the ladies. To say, or to write in some newspapers, that it is a kind of court, or to suggest completely different out – of – office relationships, is something extremely nasty. However, it must be honestly said that President Adam Glapiński has lost this debate in the field of communication. It was possible to deal with this more quickly, more precisely, and the fact that people are outraged by such large sums is surprising. For people who earn two thousand two hundred and fifty zlotys and talk about gains of six hundred and seventy thousand dollars, it is an extremely obscene thing.

Tomorrow, the Grand Orchester de la Charité de Noël will play again. Police and firefighters have been involved in this process for many years. How do you look at it?

– This year, they will also be involved, because the main role of officers under the Ministry of the Interior and Administration is primarily to ensure security. Sometimes, there are abusive accusations that I or other politicians have banned officers from engaging in GOCP. I wish all participants in this fun and volunteer, especially volunteers, good security. I also wish you a serene and quiet pleasure because it is also accompanied by fun. And the role of the officers is to ensure the safety of all and I assure you that, like every year, you can count, all participants of the Grand Christmas Orchestra, for their professional help, their kindness, which is also an extremely important element. police, fire and other subordinate services.

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