Brudziński informs the prosecutor's office about the white eagle on the rainbow flag – Polityka


On Sunday, the first equestrian walk in the history of the city passed through Częstochowa. Under the rainbow flags, his participants demanded a more open, tolerant and less exclusive Poland. Not only in relation to sexual minorities. On the way to the march there were representatives of the extreme right, national and Catholic, organizations such as ONR, and Młodzież Wszechpolska

.There were no clashes, the police stood up to the task. Admittedly, the superior of the police, the Minister of the Interior, Joachim Brudzinski, certainly did not resist. First, on Twitter, he called the Częstochowa Equality March a "cultural and religious provocation" aimed at "pilgrims gathered at the foot of Jasna Góra". Then he announced that the police would submit a notification to the prosecutor on the rainbow banner with a white eagle on the rainbow background – "desecration of national symbols."

Częstochowa does not belong to Jasna Góra

Brudzinski outrage, because the Ministry of the Interior teach citizens how to use their rights still guaranteed by the constitutional order of the Republic – there including the right to gather and manifest their own opinions on the street. Each of these events is inherently controversial, some of them enough to mobilize opponents for a counter-demonstration. The Ministry of Home Affairs has the task of ensuring that any law-abiding group can mark its presence in the public space

The vicinity of Marian shrines – or any other – can not restrict the constitutional rights of anyone. Also the LGBTQ community. Minister Brudziński speaks as if Częstochowa was a private city of Jasna Góra monastery – but that is not the case. At least still no

Nearly a quarter of a million people live in Częstochowa. All are not Catholics, not everyone Jasna Góra is a holy place. Many Częstochowians and Częstochowians are members of the LGBTQ community, and even more are their allies. They have the same right to urban space as Jasna Góra pilgrims and priests.

A politician, especially the head of a department as important as the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, must pay attention to statements. express their views and identities in the streets. Meanwhile, Joachim Brudzinski wrote that he considered representatives of the LGBTQ community as "worse citizens" than Catholic pilgrims and that he would be happy if the sexual minorities remained quietly in Poland and did not show up. not at all on the streets. This is not an attitude that should be tolerated in the country's constitutional minister in the second decade of the 21st century.

Note, however, that this same Brudzinski has never disturbed the fact that the Kibol region and the extreme national pilgrimage to Jasna Gora. Groups that operate at least on the border of the law, and certainly beyond the limits of civic decency – for example, using racist symbolism. As you can see, the Celtic cross – an appropriate symbol by the movements of white supremacism – bothers the Polish minister less than the rainbow flag.

The rainbow flag, unlike the symbols of the far right, is commissioned by the minister. There is a lot of unwillingness and contempt for sexual minorities to recognize that the combination of a white eagle with a rainbow flag is a "profanation". In what kind of rainbow flag is it supposed to "insult", insult or "undermine" the national emblem? It is impossible to answer this question without assuming that homosexuality is fundamentally morally wrong, "dirty" and "non-national". Minister Brudziński will not say it directly – he is the minister of the country member of the European Union, not the Union of Belarus and Russia – but after Sunday, he should not be surprised if many voters think it thinks so

it is the same citizens and citizens as the voters of the party of Minister Brudziński meeting under the walls of Jasna Góra. They have the right to recognize themselves in national symbols. The white eagle on a rainbow background is not a profanation, it is a beautiful civic symbol, showing that Poland is also the homeland of the LGBTQ community, and this community identifies with its state. It is really hard to understand what would be controversial in the twenty-first century

Costly process

If the prosecutor's office, subordinated to Ziobrze, informed by the subordinate police, actually carries charges against the militants we are very important process. The verdict of the court will be not only the rights of sexual minorities, but also the limits of freedom of expression in Poland.

In cases of this type, Polish courts have often ruled not only deeply anti-libertarian but also inconsistent. Last year, for example, we had two different Black Protest phrases, whose participants used the Polish Fighting sign – a symbol of Poland Fighting with pulled nipples and a braid. The Szczecin court considered that it was an acceptable form of expression, while the Kielce court, in turn, fined the organizer of the local protest. He justified this curiously by arguing that "in the ideological struggle, the sacred can not be violated". A democratic dispute is, in the meantime, a continuous process of negotiation, of definition, and when it is necessary to abolish "holiness".

The PiS prosecutor's office can thus win the insulting suit to the emblem. However, the price of this victory may be greater than the political profits of such a sentence. As you might expect, the world media will be happy to tackle the subject of Polish homosexuals, persecuted for the rainbow flag. The sentence favorable to the prosecution will at the same time be a compromise of the Polish state in the eyes of the world public opinion. Even after the acquittal of the activists, the process will consolidate the image of Poland as a country actively opposed to sexual minorities who do not share the core values ​​on which Europe is currently supporting .

On the grounds of Ziobro and Brudziński I wonder if it is worth it. . If he was not pampered, he would not grow up anymore and he would not be able to provide the PiS authority for the following terms. And the moderate voters will frighten if not the persecution of the rainbow militants, it is certainly an international adventure of accompaniment

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