Brudziński: That those who attack the police try to do it in Israel


I have a proposal for "boots" that attacked police officers under the Sejm, tempted them to attack during a protest in the same manner as a police officer in Israel or in the United States – wrote Saturday on Twitter the head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration. Joachim Brudziński / Andrzej Hulimka / Journalist "class =" img-responsive "itemprop =" url "/>

Joachim Brudziński

The head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration referred to the freaks on Friday. police intervention during the demonstration in front of the Sejm against the law on the Supreme Court

"I have a proposal of" Cossacks "and their" slippery "defenders with the Deputy Prime Minister, fighting the fashism in this country who attacked the officers, let them try to attack at a protest in the same way a police officer in Israel or the United States "- stressed Brudziński

MP Michał Szczerba wrote Saturday on Twitter that "the police have been exceptionally brutal". KSP spokesman Sylwester Marczak told PAP Saturday that Friday, in conjunction with the Sejm assembly, the most detained people were arrested. aggressive protesters; four detainees were arrested while in police custody; two policemen were injured during the operation

The four detainees were charged with violating the inviolability of a public official, a police officer, in accordance with art. 222. They incur criminal liability of three years imprisonment.

Demonstration against changes in the judicial system – organized, among others, by the citizens of the Republic of Poland, the National Committee on the Women's Strike and the Defense of Democracy.

On Friday, the Sejm passed a bill prepared by the Law and Justice party, among others. about the Supreme Court, the judiciary, the National Council of Magistracy and the Public Prosecutor's Office. This should include changes to the selection procedures of the first Supreme Court president and staffing issues in this court. The PiS club voted for, Kukiz's 15 was against, and the clubs PO, Nowoczesna and PSL-UED did not take part in the vote. The Senate will now be dealing with the law.

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