Budget surplus of PLN 6.5 billion. This helped seal the VAT


After September, a surplus of PLN 3.18 billion was recorded in the central budget. The ministry said income from January to October amounted to 309.4 billion zlotys, or 87 percent. annual plan.

"From January to October 2018, the state's budget revenues increased by PLN 14.4 billion compared to the same period of the previous year." State budget tax revenues were 7.7% higher than those of September 2017, it is about 20.3 billion zlotys "- said the Ministry of Finance.

Czerwińska for money.pl: funds are provided for the most important programs, even in case of slowdown

Compared to the corresponding period of the previous year:

– VAT revenues increased by 5.4%. y / y (about 7.3 billion zlotys),

– Income from personal income tax increased by 13.7%. a / a (about 5.8 billion zlotys),

– CIT's revenues increased by 16.5%. y / y (about 4.1 billion zlotys),

– tax revenues of some financial institutions increased by 3.7%. y / y.

"The high incomes of PIT and CIT taxes result from a good situation in the labor market and high tax payments on people who run a business because of good economic conditions." In addition, the high revenues derived from the CIT are also related to measures taken to tighten the tax system "- stressed the station.

Between January and October 2018, non-tax revenues amounted to around Zl 24 billion and were approximately Zl 6.1 billion lower (20.2% compared to the period from January to October). October 2017). June 2017 net banking income of 8.7 billion zlotys, which was not the case in 2018, was also reported.

The execution of the state budget expenditure after ten months of 2018 amounted to 302.9 billion zlotys, or 76.3%. plan. Compared with the same period in 2017 (PLN 292.4 billion), this is worth PLN 10.6 billion. By analyzing the commitment of expenses compared to the plan, it is at the same level as after ten months of 2017 (ie 76%). plan), underlined.

In mid-November, Finance Minister Teresa Czerwińska, said this in the state budget at the end of October of this year. a surplus of about 6 billion zlotys was recorded.



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