Burned vote cards and court proceedings. "We saw these letters two weeks ago"


Several hundred polling cards and burned court records were taken by police officers from a vacant post in Gołaszew near Warsaw. The agents protected the abandoned documents for several hours. Half-carbonized cards, among which included, among others, civil cases in Wołomin, police found in an abandoned farmhouse

Three tons of documents are mainly records of the court of Wołomin, but also voting cards of the 90s and 2000. The electoral offices of the National Electoral Office are responsible for securing voter registration cards.

The agents discovered the charred files yesterday afternoon. We are talking here about a large amount, we are talking about securing at least two buses that have been transported to the command. What belongs to us, it is above all to determine how these documents were placed here – says Sylwester Marczak of the Mazovian police

The residents tell RMF FM that they saw these letters two weeks ago. They saw it for the first time when a fire broke out in the building at the end of June.

Secure documents will now be examined by the Pruszków District Prosecutor's Office. The investigators will check today what letters were in the vacancy and in the event that their abandonment, without adequate security, can be qualified as a crime

Inside are only solid steel shelves and dozens of blankets with descriptions of the municipal cleaning company in Warsaw. On the wall near the entrance is the book of Stefan Żeromski Popioły


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