Call for tenders canceled for army buses. The reason for the lack of offers –


The call for bids announced in mid-June concerned the supply of four buses (guaranteed quantity) with an option for another 14. The deadline for submission of tenders has expired on 24 July. On Monday, 2 RBLog announced the nullity of the procedure because "no offer has been made that would not be rejected."

The army wanted at least 41 seats in each vehicle, the trunk had no less than 3 cubic meters. The space between the floor and the ceiling was at least 1.95 m, the price being the largest; additional equipment, additional warranty period, engine power, CO2 emissions and contamination should also be taken into account. Deliveries were to be completed by the end of November

Autosan won the call for bids for 28 buses for the army last year, offering 18 million PLN. In previous proceedings, the company's offer was rejected because of its delay

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