Can repel conservative rebellion but at high cost: update Brexit


Theresa May rejects an attempt by conservative pro-European rebels to maintain Britain's option to enter into a customs union with the European Union after Brexit. She had previously lost an obligatory vote to keep Britain in the Union's drug regulatory regime.

Victory, but at what price? (21:15)

Although the Conservatives are trying to get the problem of matching as a minor mistake, it is not like that they see it privately. Leadsom has campaigned hard on issues regarding new baby care, and a promise she's made has been broken.

The danger for the government is that if the trust between the whips breaks down, the opposition will cancel all these agreements. "It's very, very bad," said Philip Cowley, a professor of politics at Queen Mary, University of London. "This is the kind of thing that, as in the 1970s, led to the complete collapse of party relations: short-term gain, in exchange for long-term pain."

Conservatives accused of "cheating" (8:42 pm)

The government has won in another way Opposition MPs agree not to vote and cancel each other out

. Heavily pregnant occupying opposition seats, House of Commons leader Andrea Leadsom promised that everything would be given pairs, but Brandon Lewis, the conservative president, who had been offered as a pair for the Liberal Democrat Jo Swinson, who is home with a baby, has voted with the government.

Here's what Swinson had to say, via Twitter: "Do not try any nonsense about 39 – an error – this is calculated, the deliberate breaking of confidence by the w @JulianSmithUK government hips to win at any cost. Brandon abstained in the afternoon divisions, but voted in both votes after 18 hours.

The Tories Threatened (19:53)

Two conservative lawmakers were warned that "Brexiters" could bring a vote of no confidence against May's vote to keep Britain. in a customs union with the EU. It was a government strategy reported earlier by the Times and confirmed by Bloomberg. If the end result has something to do, it has proven effective in helping May to pass her time.

Do not try nonsense about an error – this is calculated, deliberately break the trust by whov gov JulianSmithUK to win at all costs. Brandon abstained in the afternoon divisions, but voted in both votes after 18 hours. There is a word for that – cheating.

Mai needed help from the opposition (7:18 pm).

May survived the vote of the Customs Union thanks to a little help from the Labor Party. Four labor legislators – Frank Field, Kate Hoey, John Mann and Graham Stringer – rebelled against their own camp and voted with the government to prevent the UK from coming out of a customs union.

In the spirit of the proximity of the vote – and the damage that a loss would have caused to May – here is a story that Kitty Donaldson wrote about how the Conservative Party gets rid of its leaders:

A guide on how conservatives abandon leaders: Theresa can she continue?

Can repel the conservative rebellion on the customs union (6:46 pm)

May repel an attempt by conservative pro-European rebels to open Britain's option to enter a customs union with the EU after Brexit.

It was a narrow escape. The government won the vote 307-301. Previously, the government had considered withdrawing the entire bill if it had been defeated by this amendment

The government told Mull that he was pulling a bill when he was defeated (18 h 41)

withdraw the entire bill on trade if the government loses the vote on the customs union.

A person familiar with the case said that the withdrawal of the bill was one of the options considered. Another way might be to try to buy more time by taking a break in the adoption of the law and trying to find a compromise

The pro-Brexit Conservatives fear that the amendment Hammond does not effectively terminate the transaction. Government defeated on drug regulations (6:31 pm)

Tory rebels helped inflict the first major defeat in May over a bill on Brexit since December. They won 305-301 on Phillip Lee 's amendment which aims to keep the UK in the EU' s regulatory regime for drugs after Brexit.

That does not bode well for May in the vote of the Customs Union, going on now. The strategy could have been undone (18:14)

When Theresa May decided Monday to accept requests from her party's MEPs to rewrite her Brexit plan, she thought she was buying more than time.

seems to have so irritated the pro-EU conservatives that 24 hours later they are determined to defeat it and impose measures that could keep the UK in a customs union with the EU. It would be a huge defeat for the Prime Minister.

During a frantic debate in the Commons on Tuesday, a series of pro-EU conservatives stood up and announced Monday's machinations were a turning point for them. Nicky Morgan, chair of the Treasury's special committee, accused her eurosceptic colleagues of trying to "sabotage" Brexit's compromise of May, contained in the so-called white paper that she published last week.

Phillip Lee and veteran Chancellor Ken Clarke also quoted Monday's votes – which May narrowly won – as the main reasons they will oppose the prime minister on Tuesday. The May Whips are trying to persuade the pro-EU rebels to back down. The vote, when it comes, could be close again.

Morgan: The majority in the Commons Want the Customs Union (18:02)

An angry Nicky Morgan – one of the sponsors of the Conservative Rebel Amendment, says "it's time to put some party politics "and welcomes the support of Labor. She then fired a warning shot at the government – which ruled out staying in a customs union with the EU.

"It is very clear that in this house there is a majority for a customs union," says Morgan. "I hope the house will have the opportunity to demonstrate it shortly."

Lee deplores "the worst experience in politics" (17:55)

Phillip Lee – who resigned from his ministerial post last month to oppose the government's Brexit policy – rises to present its hostile amendment that the post-Brexit British trade agreement with the EU should allow it to "fully participate" in the European regulatory regime for medicines.

He ends by saying he will also support Hammond's clause, and described Monday's proceedings in Parliament on the Customs bill as "the worst policy experience I've had in eight years." "

"I'm sorry that changed the dynamics," he says. "I started the day with the intention of supporting our Prime Minister in his contract and the white paper.The government started open negotiations with the Tory rebels (5:43 pm)

A Key Exchange in the House of Commons, Conservative MP Stephen Hammond, trying to persuade the government to accept his amendment, what he says is exactly "in line" with the government's White Paper on Brexit.

Minister of Commerce, George Hollingbery, is trying to defuse the situation by proposing a similar amendment to the House of Lords – but by removing the term "customs union" down.Hammond responds that it is about 39, a "generous offer" that he is "tempted to accept." But he instead proposes that the government accept his amendment to the Commons today, and then amend it to the Lords.

Hammond does not talk about it, the pro-EU tory rebels have been burning in the past by government promises of concessions that have not materialized.

Labor confirms its support for the pro-EU conservative amendment (5:40 pm)

M. Cummins says the opposition party will back the amendment of the conservative rebels, although this is only the second part – calling for a customs union – which he really supports. The first is based on May's already announced plan to secure seamless trade with the EU after Brexit.

"If and when he will prove that the government can not negotiate the impossible, it is important that we take the obvious path Cummins says:

Major: Conservative fights could spark elections (17:22) [19659003FormerPrimeMinisterJohnMajorsaystheConservativeBrexitorscoulddestabilizeTheresaMay'sgovernmenttosuchapointinageneralelectioninthefallorspringhesaysinaninterviewwithITVthathethinksMayhasmoredifficultiesthanwhenheconfrontedtheanti-EUrebelsinthe1990s-hefamouslycalledthemintheeraof"bastards"

The rebels now, he " Theresa May is in a more difficult position than I was, "he says," in the face of more engaged and harder opponents – and more of them – than me. "

Times : Rebels warn that prime minister could face a vote of death fiance (17:10)

Conservative rebels warned Brexiters could vote against Prime Minister Theresa May if lawmakers vote to keep Britain in a customs union With the EU, Times reports [19659004] With about an hour before a vote on the main amendment is expected, the government whips are trying to align lawmakers and meet with potential rebels. Vote likely to be defeated as Tory rebels and Labor unite (3:40 pm)

Prime Minister Theresa May likely to be defeated in the House of Commons Because of its policy on Brexit The opposition Labor Party has decided to support an amendment drafted by pro-European legislators in its own conservative party.

The last critical point, uniting opposition and conservative rebels, is an attempt to bind May by forcing her to sign a customs union if she can not reach an agreement that would allow free and easy trade between the European Union and the United Kingdom by 2019.

The opposition Labor Party will urge its lawmakers to support this amendment when it will be debated on Tuesday the lower house. The vote lags behind a day after May survived a vote in parliament Monday by only three votes.

All this became a proxy war between different factions in the deeply divided May party, with Labor seeking to exploit it lack of a majority in Parliament to overthrow its government. Although a defeat on Tuesday does not announce the end of May, it would be another uncomfortable reminder of its weakness and could make its position more precarious.

Markets are showing signs of nervousness as the hard-won Brexit policy is thrown into disarray. The pound sterling broke three days of gains to weaken up to 0.7% against the dollar.

"There is an anticipation that the government could be defeated tonight," said Neil Jones, head of hedge fund sales at Mizuho Bank Ltd.

She survived Monday's vote – where she was forced to accept Brexit supporters' amendments – due to Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable's and his predecessor Tim Farron's absences, but on Tuesday may not be so lucky: They have already proved in December that they were able to defeat the government
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