Canada: A love at first sight attacked a soldier –


Attempted murder in Canada's capital city of Ottawa. The man tried to blow a knife with a soldier who took part in the ceremony in front of the parliament. Fortunately, the attack was thwarted and the army was not injured

An explosion in the restaurant. Search for two suspects

At least 15 people were injured in an explosion at a restaurant in Mississauga, a suburb of Toronto, Canada. Three …

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A man with a knife was detained at 10:15 local time (4:15 pm in Poland) in front of parliament during a ceremonial change of custody observed by many tourists – reported the Canadian newspaper.

– Thanks to the quick reaction of our soldiers, the federal police and the protection services of Parliament, the potential threat has been identified and neutralized – the spokesman for the Department of Defense told the daily newspaper "Ottawa Citizen He added that "no one was injured during the incident." The author was arrested.

Possible blow

For now, it is unclear whether this incident was related to Sunday's shooting in Canada's largest city, Toronto, where three people were killed, including the attacker, and 12 were injured. Local police chief Mark Saunders said the police "look at all the possible motives" of the event and "exclude nothing". He added that it was too early to determine whether it was an act of terror.

In October 2014, a young Algerian-Canadian soldier shot and killed a soldier near parliament in Ottawa; he was later killed by police inside the building. Two days after the incident, a Quebec citizen who had been radicalized by a car in Montreal was spurring a soldier who died at the hospital as a result of injuries. For the first time, Canada has become the target of a jihadist attack.

Two major incidents occurred in Canada this year. In April, a truck driver drove a leased truck to Toronto. 10 people were killed and 15 wounded. The author has been arrested. The attack was misogynistic, the author of the young Alek Minnasian, 25, was a virgin and motivated by the desire to take revenge on women, which accounted for seven out of ten victims.

In May, in Mississauga, a suburb of Toronto, two men laid a bomb in a restaurant. 15 people were injured. Authors are always sought after.


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