Castle in the forest of Noteć. Irregularities due to construction – Poland


Many protected species

The concern is raised by the fact that the castle is created in areas covered by the Natura 2000 area. The Puszcza Notecka forest is an area in which there are reserves and protected natural monuments. Puszcza Notecka is a place inhabited by wolves and otters of protected Europe in Poland. Among the birds, you should mention the Osprey and the White-tailed Eagle. In the lakes there are mud turtles under strict protection – the only natural turtles found in our country. Outside of them, the smooth snake and the zigzag of the vipers are observed in the Noteć forest. Amphibians are also protected in Poland, represented in the forest by frogs, toads and newts, whose migration may be threatened due to the intensification of traffic resulting from the installation of hundreds of additional people . In addition, rare and protected plant species, including clubmoss and sundew, have been reported in Noteć Forest

Expertise of scientists

To be able to make investments in the construction in such a place, a number of licenses must be obtained. Including the positive expertise made by specialists in the field of nature protection, environmental protection and biology, which assesses the risk of violating the habitats of protected species. In this case, such a report was written by a group of scientists from the Poznań University of Life Sciences (in 2014) and referred mainly to birds (but not only). Its main producer, who signed it in person, is prof. Piotr Tryjanowski of the Institute of Zoology. Beside him are dr hab. Tadeusz Mizera, Hab. Jan Mazurkiewicz, Dr. Aleksandra Kraśkiewicz, Dr. Katarzyna Krupa and Jacek Więckowski

Problem with the report of prof. Piotr Tryjanowski and the rest of the scientists are such that, in addition to a story strangely favorable to investment, it contains absurd phrases like, for example, "The way to develop a plot (…) favors". environment". This sentence fits in the context of "the most favorable option for the environment", and in opposition to the "zero variant", ie "no d & # 39; # 39; investment. " It seems that the authors suggest that it would be better for the environment to build a castle on Lake Stobnica in the forest of Noteć, rather than leave nature alone. On the other hand, Internet users have published satellite images based on annual periods, according to which the lake would be drained before the start of construction.

This is not the end of atypical circumstances related to the expertise. Even more puzzling is the fact that the father of the president of a company dealing with investment belonged to the supervisory board of the Fauna Polska Foundation, in which he was also a professor. Piotr Tryjanowski. Thus, this creates a chain of connections and a conflict of interest that comes to mind: a son-investor who wants to build a castle in the forest of Noteć at Natura 2000; the father of the investor, who is the basis of scientists and finally these scientists, publishing a strangely positive report on the investment of the son of one of the members of the organization .

Professor Piotr Tryjanowski, interviewed on Twitter by Blanka Mrowicka this Lord what is building in Stobnica and if there was such a level of respect for nature in Poland, it would be more than wonderful. Naturalists give only opinions based on the points indicated in the scope of the report, then the RDOŚ issues decisions. "Argumentation of Prof. Piotr Tryjanowski is therefore based on the fact that he knows the investor who puts the castle.

The construction of the castle with the failure of the local authorities

. comments appeared in the media highlighting the hypocrisy of Prof Tryjanowski, because during the devastation of the Bialowieza Forest, commissioned by the then Ministry of the Environment, Prof. Jan Szyszka, defended the Polish nature Although the current situation with the Noteć forest does not seem clear, this comparison is completely false.The Bialowieza forest is a different forest, with a much higher natural value, and the cutting of trees in his areas was headed by the state government.The magnitude of the damage is also different.

I asked Dr. Robert Maslak, researcher at the University of Wrocław, of the Department of Evolutionary Biology and protection of vertebrates, to issue an opinion on the opinion system. "Apart from this example and based on my own experience, I have participated in nearly a hundred similar projects and I see that the system itself has to be changed.It has also been reported by various agencies since the beginning of its Currently, the investor pays for studies of environmental impact and pre-development, and those who carry out these studies operate on the open market.This causes that there are situations in which we are dealing with job marking.One example is the environmental inventory preceding the construction of the A4 motorway towards the eastern border, where no amphibious site was found for 50 km of its Such a situation would be possible in the Arctic, in the Antarctic, perhaps in the middle of the Sahara, but not in Europe. "

Paweł Głogowski of the Poznań Coalition" Right to the City "comments: situation is curious and symbolizes a spatial planning in our country. The consent to build such a huge building in the middle of the forest of Noteć is a failure of local authorities at all levels. The worst is that it is an error that is irreversible and therefore very painful for our landscape and our environment.

The situation on Stobnica Castle's construction site was checked on Tuesday 10/07/2018 by the Poviat Inspection of Construction Supervision in Oborniki. In addition, the Ministry of Environment ordered the control of the situation by order of Henryk Kowalczyk. Also by the prosecution. The decision of the Regional Directorate of Environmental Protection will be examined by the Central Office against Corruption

Łukasz Sakowski. Biologist, scientific popularizer, author of the scientific blog

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