Castle in the forest of Noteć. Will environmentalists protest?


The Notecka Early Forest Castle is to be created in the Natura 2000 area, an area protected by nature. Concessions to make such an investment have been granted by bodies dealing with nature conservation in Poland. After the case surfaced, the Ministry of Environment announced that it would immediately check the consent process to the realization of the investment castle

in the forest of Noteć. Ecologists vs. officials >>>

The camp for the forest written on the castle in the forest of Noteć

The camp for the forest directs his letter to the Minister of Environment, the Prime Minister and the President. We talk about the powerlessness of the Polish government, as well as the call to the TVP Info station, broadcast yesterday on a strip: "ecologists have not blocked the construction of a building in the Natura 2000 protected area. "

Sausages to the rescue of the castle in the forest of Noteć

The list of things requested by the Camp for the Forest leaves no doubt that the whole thing does not have to be. is that a joke. Environmentalists mention metal pipes, a thick chain, handcuffs and a place for tents. They would also be useful 100 kilograms of chickpeas, twice as many potatoes, 500 pieces of soy sausage and rye bread provided regularly. They would also like "smoked tofu for Sunday", and for pancake – "40 plates of dark chocolate without palm oil". For this 20 bicycles, 5 kayaks and Volkswagen, year 98.

The state failed in the castle in the forest Noteć

At the end of the letter, ecologists would add that with these objects they would block investment successfully. with which you can not cope, despite the actions of the institutions that are called for this purpose. "In the postscript, they add that they are ready to block other construction jobs – just let them know and multiply things on the list by the number of investments.

The castle on the water in the protected heart desert.Investment in the framework of the ABC and ministries

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