Castle in the middle of the Notecka forest. Internet users in shock, defenders of indignant animals


  • 15 floors and 96 premises – a building is built in a little over 100 inhabitants of Stobnica
  • The council and RDOŚ
  • agreed to build the castle on the lake
  • The object must to be built in Natura 2000

The construction of a huge castle, which is compared by internet users to that of Malbork, lasts three years. Why did he only start to arouse interest and controversy? All this thanks to the users of the Wykop portal, where a photo of a huge building has been placed.

Netizens talk about a castle being created on an artificial island created on a lake in the forest of Noteć. In fact, according to the documentation of the Regional Directorate of Environmental Protection and the starosty of Oborniki, the building must be huge. The investor proposed 15 floors and a total of 46 apartments and garages in the underground floor

According to the investor, it is a residential building that can accommodate a total of 97 residents and 10 service employees. The alternative version of the investment, presented by the Foundation of the Polish Wildlife Foundation, supervised by Paweł Michał Nowak, seems very interesting. It should be added here that the investor is D.J.T Sp. Z o.o, whose chairman is … Dymitri Paweł Nowak.

"In the building, 752 apartments were designed with the advantage of spacious and comfortable apartments of different shapes and sizes" – says the report created for RDOŚ in 2015. – "In the building, a permanent residence of about 1,800 people is provided, as well as a service staff of about 180 people, "reads the report. The building itself would – according to the report's authors – reach a height of nearly 70 meters

It is hardly surprising that specialists have considered the investor's version more favorable to the 39; environment. She was recommended by them. The report also talks about the zero version, which would be the most beneficial for the environment, but … "the constitutional principle of sustainable development requires taking into account not the natural logic but a reasonable balance between natural reasons, social and economic issues. "

Jak Will the investment be important?

For such a balance, the authors of the report therefore considered the variant presented by the investor. The officials are reluctant to build. When we contacted the Oborniki Municipal Office, we were referred to the alumni, although it was the 2011 City Council that passed a resolution on the spatial plan for the area where the building is In progress. In this resolution, there were also consents for the development of plots

In turn, the Oborniki Starosty only talks about the consents of the Regional Directorate of Environmental Protection. As we have determined, the land on which construction is taking place belongs to a private investor. Recall, however, that it is a Natura 2000 site. It has sparked controversy among conservationists. In their opinion, construction has a huge impact on the environment

We also read about environmental protection in the report. It is because of this that it was found that it would be better for the forest and the Natura 2000 area to build a huge object on the lake

We tried to contact the company DJT Sp. Z oo We have not received any response to our email with questions about the investment. On the website of the company, we read that it is a family business that operates on the Polish market since 2002.

"We conduct investment activities in the residential, office and retail market. # 39; s warehouse.

DJT also boasts of conducting pro-ecological activities related to forest production and freshwater fish farming. What exactly is the company? This is not found on the company's website.

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