Champions League. What Legia needs to do to beat Cork City Pika


Legia changes shape, because she wants to play the game effectively, but the game is not convincing. On Tuesday he will have to prove that he is going in the right direction because a possible failure will be a tragedy for her. Failure in which Irish players do not allow their mistakes, announcing that they know the weaknesses of their opponent and know how to use them.

80. Krzysztof Mczyski gives Micha Kucharczyk a free kick at Turners Cross Stadium, a long-range shot from the Cork City goalkeeper. Legia finally includes the head, which he does not give at the end of the match. The Polish champions win the 1-0 win and go with the modest advances to the magazine. However, how many legions were deceived, how many players were attacked on this goal, only know themselves and the Cork pushers, who instead of cutting helicopters, proved to be a team capable of playing high pressure. On Tuesday, Dean Klafurić's players could break the Irish wall faster, play more efficiently and more effectively win the qualification in the second round of the Champions League. Because this is effective, for the moment in the team team, the biggest problem

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15 shots and 70% of possession of spades – that's how Cork City, 17 shots and 65% of spades – and so Ark Gdynia, Legia dominowaa, leads matches and field events theoretically controlled in all matches for this season. Well, theoretically – the key word in the context of the performance of the Varsovians who in recent weeks have polished the game in formation 3-5-2. A new executive who impresses, among others Dean Klafuri, or striker Jose Kante, does not bring the expected results. Because the Polish champion in two matches gave 32 shots, so everyone had a spike in the leg during the match, as one of the stars won with great difficulty 1: 0 and the match for the Super Cup: 3 after fatal swing errors – Marko Vesović and Michaa Kucharczyk. – We want to keep playing in combination and attractiveness. For this, the history of the club and its fans requires us – says Klafuri recently. The combination game of the expected results up to here does not give.

Klafuri repeatedly points out that the new formation is not an accidental fiction, not his vision, but only a response to human resources, as she did. The Croatian will reveal that with his colleagues he will develop profiles of each player, and they will show him that the new setting will be right. Cho, however, is not at all because Kucharczyk is a winger, in the mistake of the main goal, unable to find a defensive game. This is shown by the Ark match, where Luka Zarandia, 27, is lost without any problems. Luka Zarandia, who will sign up for a cook letter after Kucharczyk. But not only him, because for dorodkowanie, after which Georgian defeated Arkadiusz Malarza, will let sleep – not the first time – Vesovi.

Kucharczyk after the match with Ark says that he feels better in the attacker position. If necessary, he will play where the coach, because the new position can be learned. Nevertheless, it is possible to conclude that he can not play the pendulum.

The 3-5-2 form does not work for the moment, because the impressive game often mentioned by Klafuric, the impressive victory has given only once – in pre-season sparring with Viitorul (5: 2). If Tuesday "Warsaw machine modes" do not play correctly, maybe the meaning of the game with a circulation game needs to be analyzed again.

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Cork City will come after the victory

Especially as the champions of Ireland do not come to Warsaw with weapons. – Our approach has changed since our last match. We already know that Legia will be bdy – in the Polish Super Cup, she scored several goals, but many lose. We have digested all this, we know the weaknesses of the Polish champions in the defensive game, and we intend to use them – explains John Caulfield, Cork City coach at the press conference before -match. Attackers from the Irish team, Karl Sheppard, mention the hooves, who pointed out that Legia is not able to use the opportunities that he creates. – I want to use mine because we came here for promotion fights. More pressure? None of these things. We just have to score goals – comment with confidence.

Confident, despite the two mediocre matches, has emanated coach Klafuri. – Believe in yourself and the process of changing the setting. It can not happen quickly. It's a long-term process. We present ourselves well in this system, we are satisfied – she said Monday.

Satisfaction after one, some convincing victories, and poracias in a match for the Polish Super Cup (consistently in the history of Legia) is rarely seen. Supporters of the Warsaw team must, however, rely on the Croatian coach's plan to be eliminated and on Tuesday Legia will mark the first step towards the group stage of the Champions League. Match against Cork City at 21:00, live report on

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