Chancery of Sejm: The cost of protest for families with disabilities is about 66 000. PLN –


On Friday, the Parliamentary Committee on By-Laws, Members' Business and Immigration Affairs focused on "assessing and explaining the circumstances of the 40-day protest of persons with disabilities and their loved ones in the Polish Sejm. "

Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus invites Iwona Hartwich, Jakub Hartwich and Aneta Rzepka. However, the Chancellery of the Sejm informed that the chairman of the committee was not in agreement to attend the meeting of people who are not deputies. Director of the Sejm Information Center Andrzej Grzegrzółka announced that the participants in the event, Iwona Hartwich, his son Jakub Hartwich, Aneta Rzepka and Marzena Stanewicz could not enter the Sejm until 27 May 2020. [19659002] Kaczmarska presenting information on preparations and course The Chancellery of the Sejm emphasized that "the Chancellery of the Sejm has done its utmost to provide disabled persons and their guardians with all that is possible in this particular situation." [19659002] "For 40 days of protest, the Chancellery of Sejm without complaint" – she pointed out

She noted that the law firm was not a party to a dispute between disabled people and their tutors, and the government party. "The Sejm Chancery leadership, understanding the difficult situation of this social group and their decision to conduct an occupying protest in the building Sejm, met their expectations as part of the tasks and skills of the Sejm Chancellery. "

was chosen by the protesters themselves, who" refused to take advantage of more comfortable solutions ", proposed by her personally. "We were ready to provide rooms to the House of Deputies and later to one of the main hall meeting rooms," she said [19659002] As she said, the protesters were also full board. "The protesters were also surrounded by medical care 24 hours a day and there were constant paramedical teams and we could go to the physiotherapists."

"The initial problems of access to physiotherapists that lasted only one day Asked by MEPs about the costs incurred by the Chancellery of the Sejm, Kaczmarska replied that they are currently raising to PLN 65,886 and include catering services, utilities, cleaning, l & # 39; assembly. walls in the main hall during the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and painting of the Sejm halls after the demonstration; The office is still waiting for a bill for medical care. By way of comparison, Kaczmarska reported that the protest of the disabled, which took place in 2014 and lasted 17 days, cost about 17 thousand. PLN

"As regards the burden (costs), no decision has been taken on this issue", – she added.

Scheuring-Wielgus, addressing the Sejm bureau chief: "You are not real and he's lying, and now I'm going to prove why."

The MP accused Kaczmarska that & # 39; She had no contact with the protesters. "There was no permanent and permanent contact with Mrs. Iwona Hartwig." Ms Hartwig had contacts, but not only with opposition MPs, "she said

" You said that the Sejm Chancellery gave food to the protesters. a request that three deputies wrote: Joanna Szymek, Monika Rosa and Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus, you did not have the idea to do something like that, and if it was not the case it probably would not have happened. the same was true for physiotherapists. She noted that eventually physiotherapists appeared in the Sejm after she herself asked for it on Twitter

She noted that in April of this year, protesters entered the Sejm not invited to the Nowoczesna club, but on his personal invitation. As she said, the mattresses, sleeping bags, cleaning products used by the protesters were not provided by the Chancery of the Sejm, but by the residents of Warsaw and Warsaw who "came Everyday at the Sejm "

Scheuring-Wielgus also said that there were times when the toilets were closed and the protesters could not use it. As she said, she was present at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, which took place in the Sejm.

She also argued that, contrary to the head of the Chancellery Sejm, the protesters did not have the opportunity to wander

lasted from April 18 to May 27. They submitted two applications – equating a social pension with a minimum pension for incapacity for work and introducing a supplement "for life", also called "rehabilitation" for disabled persons unable to live independently after the age of 18. years, 500 zlotys per month.

The protesters argued that one of their claims had been implemented – the increase of the social pension. According to the already published law, it will increase from PLN 865.03 to PLN 1029.80

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