Changes on the A6 motorway. We will drive two routes for the holidays


Yesterday was temporarily made available for traffic to Szczecin, A6 highway from Szczecin Dąbie junction to Rzęśnica junction.

Thus, on the reconstructed section of the A6 motorway until the end of the holidays, the two roads will be open, to Świnoujście with the old concrete sidewalk and to Szczecin with the new surface (after the link layer).

The causeway to Szczecin at the end of July / August from the animal crossing will have a lane related to the work done along the shoulders and in the demarcation line. The change in traffic organization should result in a significant reduction in traffic congestion before this section, especially during weekends holidays towards the sea.

We would like to remind you that it is always a construction site where speed limits are imposed and drivers must be extremely careful. The implementation of the reconstruction works of the A6 motorway began in the autumn of last year. The completion of all investments is expected in the first half of 2020.

The traffic organization that was introduced now assumes that the road will go towards Świnoujście with two lanes in one direction. This means a return to the cross section of the road before reconstruction, which should significantly reduce congestion to the sea. The road to Szczecin will have a lane until the end of July / August. However, the movement will be such that it was before reconstruction, ie on a gentle curve, without it being necessary to slow down significantly to engage in the road opposite. This should also significantly reduce congestion in this direction. In addition, for several months drivers have an alternative in the form of driving along Goleniowska Street. At the end of the holiday period, a roadway in both directions will return to traffic and the road will be rebuilt to Świnoujście.

The contract for the reconstruction of the Szczecin Dąbie – Rzęśnica section was signed with the company Energopol Szczecin S.A in September of last year. The contract is implemented in the build formula. The scope of work includes the reconstruction of the two pavements of the A6 motorway on a section of 3.5 km with the construction of a large overpass for animals.

See also: Repair of the Castle Road. One less belt

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