China and Russia introduce retaliatory measures. "The biggest commercial war of history"


By imposing a 25% duty on Chinese exports worth $ 34 billion a year, the United States has embarked on the largest trade war in history, announced on Friday. Chinese department of commerce. The Foreign Ministry in Beijing said that China had already started to retaliate. Also Friday, Russia has imposed additional duties on the import of certain goods from the United States, thus meeting the US duties imposed on the steel and aluminum of the United States. Russian production

poultry. The agreement on this issue was signed Tuesday by the Minister of Agriculture Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski and the Minister General …

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According to the midnight announcements from Thursday to Friday in the eastern United States (Friday at 6 am in Poland), the first batch of Chinese export rights of a value of US $ 34 billion per year entered into force. The tariffs will be a punishment for Beijing for forcing the transfer of technology from foreign companies.

"The United States, breaking the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO), has launched a trade war on the largest scale in history.These actions are a classic example of tyranny. will have a serious impact on the global production chain (…) and create difficulties for global economic growth, "said the Chinese Ministry of Commerce in a statement.

The Chinese authorities have already announced immediate and proportionate retaliation and announced a list of 545 US properties, also worth $ 34 billion a year, to repay. Among them, agri-food products and cars.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Lu Kang, announced Friday at a press conference in Beijing that the retaliatory tariffs for products imported from the United States to China came into effect immediately after the Introduction of US tariffs. He did not provide details on the number and value of the goods subject to retaliation. At the same time, Chinese customs officials are delaying the delivery of goods from the United States into Chinese ports on Friday, pending Beijing's official guidelines on retaliatory tariffs, the Reeper agency said, citing four sources anonymous.

US President Donald Trump said Thursday that tariffs on upcoming Chinese products worth $ 16 billion a year will be introduced in two weeks. Beijing has also prepared a second list of goods worth $ 16 billion a year, which it intends to defend in retaliation.

Trump, who accuses China of unfair trade practices, has threatened to impose tariffs on other Chinese products whose import into the United States is worth even $ 500 billion a year. year. In case of escalation, China will counter-attack the "quantitative and qualitative tools" – replied the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.

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Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Jacek Bogucki during his visit to Washington seeks to open the US market for Polish exports …

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Russia announces "countervailing measures"

On Friday, additional duties on imports of certain products from the United States were also introduced by Russia. In this way, it responded to US tariffs imposed on the United States on March 8 by Russian production.

"Countervailing measures are applied in the form of additional import duties and increased by 25% up to 40 percent value of imported goods" – said the Minister of Economy Russia's Maksim Orieszkin on Friday. These duties are levied on certain goods from the United States, whose products are manufactured in Russia. These include certain types of construction equipment, equipment of the oil and gas industry, metalworking tools, fiber optics.

The Ministry of Economy also announced that Russia could introduce other "countervailing measures" in March 2021, that is, three years after the introduction of the rights by the American side. Russia can also do this if the World Trade Organization (WTO) decides that US activities are not in compliance with WTO rules.

Orieszkin announced Friday that the introduction of customs duties by the United States has caused losses to Russian exporters in the amount of $ 537.6 million. According to the April WTO communication, Russia has asked the organization for damages from the United States.


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