"Chinese Laser Rifle" seems a little too sci-fi to be true


China says that it has developed a laser rifle that can "char" human flesh at a distance of 800 m (2,625 ft), but weighs only 3 kg (6.6 lb). In a report from the South China Morning Post Chinese researchers say that the ZKZM-500 laser assault rifle is a fully portable "non-lethal" weapon that can burn hair, skin and signs, and even enter. burn the fuel tanks.

From Flash Gordon to Star Wars Portable laser weapons are a staple of science fiction and announce that the Chinese company ZKZM Laser has produced a laser. rifle that is ahead of all that the rest of the world had to attract attention.

According to the South China Morning Post report which seems to be the only source, the ZKZM-500 is a "15mm caliber" weapon (although what it means in terms of lasers is not clear ) about the size of an AK-47 assault rifle. Like an American thermal laser weapon that we talked about a few years ago, the ZKZM-500 is designed as an anti-personnel weapon. But while its American counterpart only gives a sensation of great warmth without permanent damage, the ZKZM-500 can burn clothing and burn a whole person – even if it is targeted by a closed window.

The report adds that the laser is powered by lithium-ion batteries that allow it to discharge 1000 shots of two seconds on a single charge, and that the company plans to mass-produce the rifles at a cost of 100,000 yuan (US $ 15,000) per unit. However, it is feared that the weapons will fall into the wrong hands, so they will be strictly regulated, the former being sold to anti-terrorist squads of the Chinese armed police.

This sounds very impressive, but it should be taken with a big grain of salt. More than half a century of laser weapon development has left a very large pile of literature on the subject and many claims of the ZKZM-500 seem unlikely. For example, lasers are very bulky and semiconductor lasers have only become as compact as they are by tightly wrapping long fiber optic cables. Even then, they are so big that they have to be mounted on a truck.

In addition, they need large, complicated optics to focus the beam and a reference laser to evaluate and cancel the effects of atmospheric distortion. In addition, laser weapons require large cooling units to evacuate the heat they generate and avoid damaging their systems.

But the biggest disadvantage is power. Laser weapons are notoriously inefficient and require electric generators in their own right. For a laser like the ZKZM-500 to work with lithium-ion batteries, powertrains should weigh as much as an automobile. Even if they could be compact, they would need such an important energy density that it would be like carrying a big bottle of nitroglycerin.

Apparently, the "less lethal" note is that the laser rifle would have, at worst, fired a person, by the report said that a sustained fire would eventually cross a human body like a surgical scalpel at laser.

The developers say that the ZKZM-500 will be used for anti-terrorism and crowd control, where targeted lighting of signs and clothes would be used to make protesters lose the rhythms of their speech and their powers of persuasion. "

We studied the various companies and institutions mentioned in the report, but no corroborating information on the laser rifle could be found.

Source: South China Morning Post

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