Chrome Canary 77 with color and style settings


Fast map aggregation and sharing, easy installation of PWA applications, play mode, dark mode and screen background on the start screen. The last few months for Chrome bring intensive changes that will make it even easier for us to manage Google's web browser. However, before all innovations reach a wide audience, they must follow the tedious way of the test versions of the application. Chrome Dev, Chrome Canary, Chrome Beta – three steps and three test phases. Depending on the variant chosen, we may encounter different new products that will go to the basic version of Chrome in the future.

chrome canary

This week's Chrome Canary with the number 77 features features that primarily affect the overall look of the browser and set the stage for further tweaks aimed at home page open with a new window or cards. For years, Chrome has offered graphic styles available in the online store of Chrome, a shop where you can find any type of extension, graphic styles from different creators or prepared by a team working on Google. Chrome Canary 77 allows you to change the color of the interface without resorting to external solutions. For now, we have a choice of 4 color variants and a default appearance. However, looking at the name of the new tab colors and theme we can think that more options will be available in the future.

chrome canary

On the map customize this page, in addition to defining your own background for home page, we have the ability to manage the shortcuts that appear below the search bar. By default, the most visited pages are displayed, but we will soon be able to customize them according to your needs and choose the ones you want to see. Home Page or disable completely (currently, the shortcut setting does not work).

chrome canary

Color and theme settings, background or shortcuts are available after activating two flags: chrome: // flags / # colors chrome and chrome: // flags / # ntp-personalization menu v2that allow new functions for the button adjust located on Home Page.

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