Churchhouse mixed with mud! "Disgust and shame!" Pointed brain "


Maciej Zakościelny was completely mistaken for mud, even by his fans. The actor could not wait to see such a wave of criticism after what he did. "Disgust and shame, sharp brain" – these strong words are falling.

Maciej Zakościelny has never been associated with politics in any meaningful way. The actor did not participate in demonstrations and did not talk about these topics. Now, however, he decided to change something and immediately encountered a wave of hatred.

Maciej Zakościelny appeared on Warsaw's Castle Square to appeal for free courts in Poland. The text that he wrote about the struggle to improve the situation in our country did not appeal to the fans of the artist

Maciej Zakościelny is heavily criticized

– For the the future and the future of our homeland, we are free citizens and free citizens, creating in 550 We express our willingness to undertake actions, common to all Poles, for the reparations of the Republic of Poland ( …) In the Polish judicial system, as in almost all areas of state operation, some areas require in-depth analysis and real improvement. However, it does not make sense to smoke the house to strengthen the foundations. Poland should not become a defendant of the European Court of Justice. This is the last outing, which means the embarrassment of us and our country. We can prevent this – said the church of Zamkowy Square. His fans reacted very strongly.

– Mr. Zakościelny, you have disgusted millions of Poles with the "Time of Honor" (the series in which Zaklesny plays – ed), wrote one of the netizens

– You have lost my respect . It has turned out that you do not understand what is going on. I have not seen you before because the non-citizen platform has invaded the entire Polish state and is making fun of freedom and citizens – accuses the actor, apparently already, a fan

– I thought Mr. Maciej from Stalowa Wola made more sense. Grandma falls in the grave. For an hour, a few years ago, I listened to my wise grandson. In fact, disgust and shame. Warsaw has done you an acute brainwash – says another online critic.

Do you want to make something public? Do you know the shocking situation that requires the attention of the media? Send an email to: [email protected]. We will definitely look at your case.


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