"Clan". Dorota's nun will be killed. We know how he is going to die


Agnieszka Wosińska is mainly associated with the role of the friendly sister Dorota of "Klan". It is the role of a warm and always indulgent nun who has earned her the greatest popularity. Most often, he appeared in Sadyba when the Lubicz family was in trouble. At that time, she was able to comfort and add faith even in the most complicated situation.

"Clan". Dorota will die in Africa

The actress has not been in the show for eight years, but now her thread will be closed for good. In the next episodes of the series, just before Christmas, Monika (Dorota's sister) will learn that her younger sister, Dorota, is dead. Private detective Bogdan, a friend of Lubicz, will tell Monica that the nun died in Africa in one of the villages where tribal fighting took place. The body of the end of Dorota can not be found.

Unfortunately, the character of Dorota in the "Klan" has somewhat pigeonholed the actress. Filmmakers have looked through the prism of this role. Years later, Wosińska admitted that she would have to leave the show a lot sooner.

Agnieszka Wosiñska currently

Today, one of the most popular series of Wosińska is "Diagnosis", in which she is a partner. Beata, science fiction. We are watching this series and have had trouble recognizing it. And you, do you know Agnieszkę?


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