Climate change. Poles are more optimistic than the rest of the Europeans


The European Investment Bank (EIB) has published, in cooperation with the world opinion polling agency YouGov, the second batch of EIB survey results assessing the l & # 39; mood of the citizens of the European Union, the United States and China on climate change.

The new findings focus on how citizens perceive the relationship between climate change and economic growth. This issue will be the subject of a wide debate in the context of the COP 24 World Climate Conference, which will begin in Poland next week. At the summit meeting, policymakers from around the world will exchange views on how to achieve the goals set out in the Paris Agreement.

According to the study, 60%. Poles believe that climate change will have financial consequences for them (higher prices for insurance and energy, higher taxes, etc.). The survey also shows that low-income Europeans worry more about the negative economic impact of climate action.

Photo: EBI

Interestingly, in Poland, a reverse pattern was observed: 45%. Poles with a gross annual income of a household above 24,000. The euro thinks that efforts to combat climate change will have a negative impact on economic growth, while those who earn less than 12,000 zlotys the euro only thinks 38%. respondents.

The survey showed that citizens of the European Union are more concerned about the financial consequences of climate change than Americans and Chinese: 55%. Europeans have listed the financial implications of climate change impacts that affect them personally. For comparison, this answer was chosen at 40%. Chinese and 45% Americans. The latter are also more optimistic about the economic benefits resulting from the efforts to combat climate change: 26%. believes that climate action can have a positive impact on the economy (compared to 21% in Europe and only 11% in China).

Photo: EBI

Since 2011, the European Investment Bank has invested more than 130 billion euros worldwide, which has allowed a climate action of more than 600 billion euros. This amount is close to the value of Polish GDP.

– Financing is a very important aspect of the fight against global climate change and its negative effects. In addition, the EIB is fully convinced that financial support for the fight against climate change is essential to seize opportunities in the field of growth and innovation, "said Monica Scatasta, Head of Environmental Policy. , climate and social issues at the EIB.

– Maybe not everyone knows that the fight against climate change can be very beneficial for growth and create many new jobs. However, it should be remembered that simply funding from public funds, even taking into account the contribution of international institutions, is not enough. Investors, entrepreneurs and other market players must also play an important role in tackling the risks of climate change, and the EIB strives to encourage them to act for the climate – does it added.

Photo: EBI

What are the Poles expecting the most from the consequences of climate change over the next ten years?

  • 60%: financial consequences (eg, increase in insurance, energy and food prices, tax increase)
  • 57%: health effects (eg occurrence of new or more dangerous diseases resulting from warming or extreme weather events)
  • 52%: life-threatening (eg floods, water scarcity, access to resources conflicts)
  • 36%: effects on standard of living (eg less food, less quality of rest)
  • 34%: social and social effects (eg increase in the number of migrants)
  • 20%: effects on employment and employment (eg loss of jobs in sectors that affect the climate)
  • 17%: effects on housing situation (eg need to change place of residence)
  • 5%: I do not know
  • 2%: none of the above
  • 1 percent: there is no climate change

The European Investment Bank has partnered with the global public opinion research and data analysis company YouGov to conduct a thorough analysis of citizens' attitudes to climate change. The survey aims to provide information for a broader debate on climate change and to help understand the mood of the public and the expectations of climate action. In 2018 and 2019, six sets of data from the EBI climate survey will be published, each of them devoted to a different thematic area. The study involved 25,000 people. respondents, with a representative panel from each country.

European Investment Bank

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the institution of the European Union which grants long-term loans of which the Member States are shareholders. The EIB provides long-term financial support for investments prepared reliably, thereby contributing to the achievement of EU policy objectives in Europe and beyond. The European Investment Bank operates in around 160 countries. The EIB is the largest climate finance organization in the world. For climate action in five years by 2020, it has allocated $ 100 billion of resources.


YouGov is an international group operating in the field of data analysis. The main product it offers is the data constituting opinions, emanating from a very active panel of 6 million people from all over the world. YouGov combines this uninterrupted data flow with its in-depth research knowledge and extensive industry experience, creating a platform for systematic research and marketing.

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