Co-organizer of the Stones concert: "Do not mix rock and politics"


Mick Jagger's words about being "too old to be a judge" caused an avalanche of comments in Poland. The co-organizer of the Rolling Stones concert says in a conversation with WP that it's not worth joining rock and roll with concert politics.

  Co-organizer of the Stones concert:

(East News)


"I am too old to be a judge, but young enough to sing" – these words (in Polish!) Were pronounced by the leader of the largest group rock history during a concert in Warsaw. The opposition claims that it is an answer to the letter of Lech Wałęsa and an opposition to "extinguishing" the term of office of the judges of the Court supreme by PiS. In turn, the supporters of the authorities interpret the words of Jagger as follows: the rocker does not want to involve himself in the current political conflict in Poland, so he said that "he is too old to be judge". In any case – regardless of Jagger's intentions – the artist was (involuntarily) involved in a political war

See more: "The Rolling Stones were playing in Warsaw, two hours of rock euphoria at the highest level "

See more:" Lech Walesa for WP: Thanks Mick Jagger, he reminded us of our law and order. "


We contacted the co-organizer of the Stones concert at Warsaw, Dariusz Maciborek, the owner of DM Agency. We asked him if Jagger could be so well oriented in the political situation in Poland. – Mick Jagger is very open to the world, for what happens in every visit to the country team. It has such a charisma that it can kidnap people in a nutshell – says Maciborek.

Our interlocutor does not want to combine music with the current situation. – Personally, I think you should not mix rock and roll with politics, music is the most important thing at the concert. Everyone came to the performance of the biggest rock band in the world and I think everyone got what they expected. An encounter with a legend whose music always fascinates new generations – says Dariusz Maciborek. He assures that he did not know that such words – which made everyone happy – could fall off the stage.

The reporter and presenter is delighted with the performance of the legendary band. – The musical layer is purely rock and roll, and in the visual layer, the musicians are really at hand. This is the hypothesis of the route "No Filter". The concert in Poland was phenomenal, beautiful. The musicians were in great shape and, as Keith Richards said, they are just getting started! They are indestructible. This is certainly not their last route – provides Maciborek in an interview with WP.

See also: The Rolling Stones about SN. Miller: it was a nice gesture


The artists look at the political situation in Poland

This is not the only case where in recent days a world band playing in Poland is referring to the current political situation in our country. The legendary grunge group Pearl Jam at a concert in Krakow on the giant screen of the Strike Women logo, an organization that strives to liberalize the law on abortion. At the Massive Attack concert at the Opener Festival in Gdynia, there were also entries referring to political events in Poland. On the stage, titles of Polish newspapers were posted, often critical of the actions of the PiS


Mikołaj Ziółkowski, director of Alter Art, organizer of the festival Opener, in an interview for "Plus Minus" admitted: "We lost three, maybe four artists in the IPN law related matter in the storm of fear and international media, the New York agents did not care that". an artist appeared in Poland

The question of the journalist Piotr Witwicki, or even New York, "may interest the Polish courts," said the organizer of Opener: "I m & # 39; also interested in the independence of the courts, or even its absence in Hungary or Turkey.

The secret services of Jaggerowi certainly do not refuse. And what were his intentions? He only knows him.

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