Comments after the words of Donald Tusk


If Donald Tusk tries to get angry, he apparently does not believe in his abilities and does such a classic dodge – said Vice Minister of Culture Jarosław Sellin. He commented on the former prime minister's statement in Friday's "Facts after Acts" on TVN24 that he would have fought for the Presidential Palace if PiS President Jarosław Kaczyński decided to stand up.

Jarosław Sellin said that" this is a duct of Donald Tusk, as it is known that Jaroslaw Kaczynski has already announced that the presidential candidate for the presidency in 2020 will Andrzej Duda ". 19659005] – Perfectly Donald Tusk knows it. So, if he tries to argue or a provocative thesis that he would see a different adversary in this role, then apparently he does not believe in his abilities, his strengths and does such a classic dodge – he added [19659005] Mazurek: "Tkad's rejection in front of Duda [19659007] A PiS spokeswoman Beata Mazurek as well as the case.It decided that Donald Tusk's challenge to Jarosław Kaczyński was" a rally before President Andrzej Duda ".

– This is a sign that Tusk will not stand for election because he knows Jaroslaw Kaczynski will not show up". 19659005] – Donald Tusk does not want to lose against Andrzej Duda, who, according to President Kaczyński, will run for president in 2020.

In turn, Kornel Morawiecki (near Wolnia i Solidarni) believes that Donald Tusk can not not make his decision dependent on the electoral race for the presidency of who will be his opponent.

– It's a bit mean, frivolous –

Szłapka: Kaczyński is a coward

– Donald Tusk pointed out one thing: Jaroslaw Kaczynski really governs Poland for a few years, without any responsibility, hiding behind their prime ministers, for their marshals. They break the Constitution, they break the affairs of the Polish democracy and he sits behind. Here, Donald Tusk said: please, how do you take responsibility for all this, please start and take responsibility for the elections – Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska (PO) evaluated the vice-president. who is rather certain that he will not participate in the presidential election. "It is clear that the role of the extra-parliamentary political center is enough," he added.

– Jaroslaw Kaczynski is a coward and will not take this glove – commented the Nowynej MP Adam Szłapka. – I understand this statement from Donald Tusk. He wants to meet or play with the player, not a pawn on the board Jaroslaw Kaczynski – he added

"I would not hesitate for a moment"

The head of the European Council Donald Tusk asked Friday in "Facts after Facts" To return to Polish politics, he replied: "It is too early to speculate, I know these opinions and wishes, but I can say today that if Jarosław Kaczyński decided to get up, I would not hesitate for a moment to face such a duel "[19659005″VouspouvezdemanderauprésidentKaczyńskienPolognes'ilaccepteunteldéfi-at-ilajouté-ilarépondu:”Disonsquec'estunetellequestionderecherchepourl'humeurduprésident19659005]


  Donald Tusk on his return to Polish politics

Video: tvn24 [19659020] Donald Tusk on his return to Polish politics

Author: js // rzw
Source: tvn24

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