Commercial Sundays. Will the stores be open tomorrow (July 8th)?


Sunday 2018. July 8 is a free trade Sunday

On July 8, we will not buy in a mall or in a large multi-store department store – tomorrow Sunday without trade. If our glacier is empty, it's worth it to go to the store, at the same time to prepare for the fact that we will find a great queue.

Why this Sunday is not Sunday? The rule is simple: according to the law on the ban on Sunday trade until the end of 2018, business Sundays fall twice a month – it's always the first and last Sunday of the month, except in case of welcome days and compromise. . The remaining two or three (as is the case in July, but these months of August) Sunday is Sunday Trade

Sundays of July 2018. See CALENDAR for the whole month >>>

Sunday. Does the Sunday trade ban apply to all stores?

The business interruption on Sunday and Sunday without trade does not apply to all industries. The Trade Prohibition Act lists 32 exceptions to this rule, namely stores and outlets, where we can buy without restrictions every Sunday of the year. The most important among them are: pharmacies, veterinary clinics, bakeries, post offices or service stations.

  Sundays. The ban on the Sunday trade does not include cultural institutions, such as museums or theaters Sunday trading. The Sunday trade ban does not include cultural institutions, such as museums or theaters Fig. Jakub Porzycki / Agencja Gazeta

The perpetrators of the law also confused the gastronomic industry – restaurants, cafes, ice cream parlors and bakeries could be open. Due to the ban on trading on Sundays, tourists and culture enthusiasts will not be hurt – institutions like cinemas, theaters and museums can trade without limit, as well as points related to tourism such as hotels, souvenir shops and water sports. window.gazeta_pl = window.gazeta_en || {};
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