Competition threatened by storms? Thunders and he began to fall


At W WIŚLE, the grand opening of the Summer Grand Prix in ski jumping is underway. In the first team competition, the Poles eliminated their rivals and won the first victory of the season without problems.

If we looked at individual unofficial results, three Poles would be in the top three places. Piotr ¯y³a would be the best, Kamil Stoch would be the second and Dawid Kubacki the third. Unfortunately, it is possible that individual competition is threatened, and all this is due to the predicted storm and storm that are expected to pass on the Vistula in the afternoon.

The most important moment for the future of Poland jump? Maciusiak: "The players have problems, they hide their jealousy … Everything seems good outside

In Wiła ton and starts to rain

On Saturday in Wiśla it was extremely hot, and the thermometers showed 28 degrees, but in the evening it was cooling rapidly and the temperature was about 13 degrees C. On Sunday, a lot of clouds appeared in the sky, and predictions indicated that there could be storms

The forecasts began to confirm, because around 14 hours it was possible to hear the first thunder and the rain began to fall.

Competition threatened

A little rain should not to prevent jumpers, but a storm and heavy rainfall means that the organizers will have to translate or even cancel the competition It is also known that in such a time, there is a stronger wind that can prevent the

In the Sunday competition, a full fan base will appear again, and all entries will be exhausted.

The start of the test series is scheduled for 4:30 pm, the start of the first series at 5:30 pm. It is possible that the weather will calm down here.

Polish jumpers again surprised their rivals. Magent costumes like chocolates

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