Contract for the construction of the Ostroka C power station signed


Attended the event: Henryk Kowalczyk – Minister of the Environment, John Armstrong – Economic Counselor at the US Embassy in Poland, presidents of spek: Energa SA – Arkadiusz Siwko and Enea SA – Mirosaw Kowalik, parliamentarians and representatives of the autonomous authorities of Ostroki, led by the mayor of the city Janusz Kotowski and all those who are interested in the realization of this investment

L & # 39; joint investment of Energa group and Enea group is carried out under the investment agreement sp. zoo On July 12, 2018, in Ostroka, the representatives of the ad hoc company signed an agreement with the general contractor, who was saved in the procedure of awarding sectoral public procurement under the umbrella of the company. a competitive dialogue. Proceedings to win the Spek GE consortium (GE Power Sp. Z o.o. and Alstom Power Systems SAS). The value of the consortium rises to 5.049 billion PLN, or 6,023 billion PLN gross

The general contractor, GE Power, will build a turnkey power plant with a power of 1,000 MWe and an efficiency of 46%. This includes, among other things, obtaining the necessary decisions on the building permit, preparing the site, carrying out the construction work and obtaining a permit to use it before final commissioning. The determinants of investment are modern technologies and the highest environmental standards

– The new block of the Ostroka C power plant, in line with restrictive European emission standards, is needed to the Polish food system. Now, modern blocks of this type increase the stability of the energy system and balance the demand for energy in the years to come. Krzysztof Tchrzewski, Minister of Energy, said: "The new 1,000 MWe genset will be another stable, high-efficiency, low-emission source of energy in the national grid. The investment is part of the Energa Group's development strategy.

– The new block of the Ostroka C power station will have a significant impact on the energy security of our country. This is part of the process of modernizing the national energy sector that uses what is important as Polish fuel, according to Arkadiusz Siwko, chairman of Energa SA. – According to the investment, the investment will be based on modern technologies and will meet the highest environmental standards. This is a guarantee to strengthen our position in the electricity generation market as well as a satisfactory rate of return for shareholders.

– The Ostroka C power plant is an example of progressive modernization of the Polish power industry. The new block will be the next of a series of stable, high-efficiency, low-emission power sources with a capacity of about 1 GW that will form the strategic base of the national power system based on a safe and predictable local carbon fuel – says Mirosaw Kowalik, president of Enea SA – We will use our skills and experiences gained during the construction of a modern block of 1075 MW at Kozienice Power Plant, whose first months of operation prove that modern carbon technologies fit well into the construction of the country's energy security

. immediately engage in organizational work, including preparing the site, starting the design phase and other activities related to resource mobilization, so that this is the best way to Ensure the safety of the investment execution schedule. The signing of the contract by the general contractor does not equate to the acceptance of a start of work (NTP – notice to proceed)

– We begin to invest an investment of 39, a special importance for our partners – Energa and Enea – says Edward Siurnicki, chairman of the Ostrka power plant. – With the entrepreneur, we have several years of diligent work. We are confident that using the experience of GE we will achieve the task entrusted to us and that in 2023 we will start the operation of the new plant.

It is expected that the first synchronization of the new block will take place in 2023. The specialized firm has the necessary technical documentation as well as the administrative and corporate decisions necessary to inform and resolve the contract and sign the contract with the contractor General

The investment is located on the border between the city of Ostroka and the municipality of Rzek. The magnitude of the investments in the context of generating a significant boost for the GDP growth of Poland and the development of the Ostrów region is also significant (the expected level of the number of employees will reach around 2.5 thousand people)

– This investment opens a new level in the economic history of the city. Both socially and economically, it is a long-term expectation of the local community – said Janusz Kotowski, president of Ostroka. – We know that it will be in all respects the most modern coal power station, very efficient and environmentally friendly, meeting the highest ecological standards. The city already has positive experiences in cooperation with the Energa group (including a multi-million grant for vibration reconstruction and bridge refurbishment). We take priority for the construction of the new plant block. This major investment in northeastern Poland has for many years been a guarantee of a stable situation in the labor market and, at the same time, a good financial future for Ostroka, because of tax revenues. Energa's major new investment represents a huge development opportunity for Ostroka and the entire region.

GE Power will benefit from the local supply chain supported by more than 5,000 Polish suppliers. the construction of the Ostroka C power station – we are starting to work on this important project that will provide enough energy to power 300,000 Polish Houses. This is further proof of our commitment to the development of the Polish energy industry, in which we have been participating for more than 70 years, thanks to our factories in Elblg and Wrocaw. This project will also support the country's economic development. As with the project in Opole, we plan to use our well-developed and proven chain of partners and subcontractors from Poland – says Andreas Lusch, President of GE Steam Power.

Investment Characteristics

The Ostroka Power Station gross power and energy efficiency of 1,000 MWe of 46% net will be another stable, high-yield, low-energy source of energy emissions, operating on the basis of a domestic energy resource. The Ostroka C plant will meet all required emission standards for large combustion plants (LCP), including the standards resulting from the BAT conclusions. Groups: Energa and Enea, jointly carrying out the project Ostroka C Power Plant, want to use the knowledge and experience acquired by Ene during the construction of a new unit at the Kozienice power station.

High efficiency generator with a gross power of 1000 MWe, using the most modern technologies that allow block operation with high availability and efficiency. The technologies used also allow full utilization of the by-products of combustion through the construction of modern and efficient ancillary facilities to serve all the economies that will operate at the plant site. This is a key investment for Polish energy security.

Project Technical Specifications:

* 1000 MWe Gross Electric Power

* High Elasticity – Load Variability 30-103%

* High Net Return above 46% [19659002] * High availability – finally 92.5%

The Energa group is one of the four largest energy groups in Poland. The core business of the Group includes the distribution, production and trading of electric power. It supplies and sells electricity to more than 3 million customers, both households and contractors. The Energa Group is the third largest integrated distribution network operator (DSO) in Poland in terms of the volume of energy supplied. The distribution network consists of power lines with a total length of 185,000 km and covers an area of ​​about 75 thousand km2, or about 24%. of the country

The Enea group is the deputy leader of the Polish electricity market in the field of electricity generation. It manages the full range of values ​​in the electricity market: from fuel, to electricity generation, to distribution, to sales and to customer service. He is responsible for supplying secure energy to 2.5 million customers. The Enea operator is expected to be distributed in northwestern Poland (about 1/5 of the country). The group employs over 16 thousand people throughout Poland. Employees who create a group of innovative resources and energy. The Group has two major power plants: the Kozienice power station and the Poaniec power station. The Enea group also operates Lubelski Wgiel Bogdanka – the mine is the main gas supplier for the Group's power stations. The Group's operations also include thermal energy in the factories of Biaystok, Oborniki and Piła

Ostroka Power Plant sp. Z o.o. from headquarters in Ostroka, it was created for the purposes of the implementation of the project, entitled "Construction of the Ostroka C power station". Spki shareholders: Energa S.A. and Enea S.A., their share in the share capital structure is 50 percent.

GE in Poland

GE on the Polish market as an investor in 1992. The current company employs more than 5,500 people and manages two GE Aviation factories producing parts for aviation engines ( in Dzieroniów and Bielsko-Biaa) and three GE Power plants (turbine plant and foundry in Elblg and generator plant in Wrocaw). The GE Group in Poland, last year, has LM Wind Power with its headquarters in Goleniów, which produces wind farms for both onshore and offshore wind farms. For 18 years, the Engineering Design Center (EDC) has been operating in Warsaw, where parts for aircraft engines, anchors, gas turbines, steam turbines and wind turbines are being developed. The company was established as a result of a cooperation and agreement between GE and the Institute of Aviation. GE's investment in Poland since the start of its business has been $ 670 million and its annual research and development expenditures around $ 100 million

GE Power

GE Power is a leader worldwide in the field of energy. We provide technologies, solutions and services at every stage of the supply chain of the electrical industry, from electricity generation to the end consumer. We are changing the face of the energy industry by utilizing all the resources and influencing the scale of the world's first business of Przemysu Cyfrowego era. With our customers in more than 150 countries, we provide energy to more than a third of the world's rooms – brightening the city, developing the economy and revering people around the world.

. KM

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