Court defers decision on Israeli demolition of West Bank village


JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israel's Supreme Court on Thursday defeated by at least a month-old government-planned demolition of a Bedouin village in the occupied West Bank that had stirred outrage and international concern.

The court last week issued an appeal against the demolition of the city of Khan al-Ahmar, who said that they should not be allowed to enter Israel.

Responding this week, the state rejected that argument as false and as an attempt to buy time.

In Thursday's decision, the Supreme Court summoned both sides for a session by Aug. 15, effectively putting the demolitions on hold.

Around 180 Bedouin, raising sheep and goats, live in tin and wood shacks in Khan al-Ahmar. It is situated outside Jerusalem between two Israeli settlements.

Israel said it was about 12 km (seven miles) away, near the Palestinian village of Abu Dis.

But the new site is adjacent to a landfill, and advocates say that it would be necessary to transfer ownership of property.

Most countries considered settlements built by Israel on the Middle East War as illegal, and an obstacle to peace. Palestinians seek for a viable state in West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip.

Israel disputes this and cites biblical, historical and political connections to the land, as well as security needs.

Reporting by Dan Williams; Editing by Jon Boyle

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