Critic Scarlett Johansson abandons the role of a tranny


The reason for Johansson's resignation is the harsh criticism with which she met her role in Sanders' film . According to the transsexual community, the acceptance of the proposal means fewer opportunities for transsexual actors to appear on the screen. The wave of outrage started with Trace Lysette, who commented on Twitter: "So you can play us, but we will not let you be us?" Hollywood is so screwed up that I would not be so angry if I had the chance to hit the same castings as Jennifer Lawrence and Scarlett Johansson. "

Johansson initially published only a brief commentary on the critics:" Tell them that they can address Jeffrey Tambor, Jared Leto and Felicity Huffman spokespeople. "Currently, he apologizes for the lack of a delicate answer.

– In light of the ethical issues recently raised about my involvement in the role of Dante Tex Gill, I am I decided to withdraw my participation in this project.Our cultural understanding of transsexual people is growing and I have learned a lot from this community since my first position in a case that I understand now was insensitive. I have a lot of respect and sympathy for the transsexual environment and I am grateful that the conversation about the greater participation of different social groups in Hollywood will continue. (…) Although I would love to use the 39 opportunity to show the story of Dante, I understand why many people think that a transsexual person should play it and I am grateful that this commitment, although controversial, has aroused more discussio on the presentation of diversity in the cinema.

A few days after the casting announcement, a parody appeared in which transsexual actors appeared for the roles of the actress.

Johansson prepares for a performance in the Black Widow show. A negative press could damage the image of an actress who in the past has caused considerable controversy. In 2017, she appeared in the anime screening entitled "Ghost in the Shell". She played the character of Major / Motoko, who is of Asian descent. At the time, she was accused of taking potential roles to actors of Asian descent.

source: Variety

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