Crowd at the Presidential Palace: You'll be sitting!


  Supreme Court in Warsaw

Supreme Court (Grace Building) in Warsaw. The green patina color of the columns should match the natural patina on the church roofs and palaces nearby. The facade of the building blends into the green of the green vines on patinated copper supports. The harmony of historic buildings, the greenery of a nearby park and the modern architecture of the Justice Building are preserved

Protests against judicial reform conducted by the Government Law and Justice are in progress in many Polish cities. In the evening, a crowd gathered in front of the presidential palace in Warsaw to create the so-called "chain of light". Everything after President Andrzej Duda signed the amendment to the law on the Supreme Court. – You'll be sitting – chanted the crowd. There were also words about betrayal.

President Andrzej Duda today signed an amendment to the Supreme Court Act. Despite the opposition of the judges circles, the act was rejected and signed at an express rate. The opposition also protests, not only the Sejm. Protests against the reform are underway in many Polish cities. Tonight, at the presidential palace, there was a crowd of demonstrators who created the so-called chain of light. – You will be sitting – the crowd shouted under the windows of President Andrzej Duda.

There are opposition presenters, historical and current.

According to estimates, there are more than ten thousand people at the Presidential Palace

Protests are also underway in Wrocław

This is the situation in Poznań

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